• Selenium Dioxide 98%min Delivered China(5)  07-26|Arsenic Metal 99%min FOB China(-25)  07-26|Rhenium APR 99.99%min EXW China(140)  07-26|HR Strip Q195 295*2.5mm In warehouse Guangzhou(-100)  07-26|HR Strip Q195 685*2.75mm In warehouse Guangzhou(-100)  07-26|HR Strip Q195 295*2.5mm In warehouse Shanghai(-100)  07-26|HR Strip Q235B 685*5.5mm In warehouse Shanghai(-100)  07-26|Met. Coke A 13%max, S 0.7%max EXW Shanxi(-50)  07-26|Met. Coke A 13%max, S 0.7%max EXW Hebei(-50)  07-26|Met. Coke A 13%max, S 0.7%max EXW Shandong(-50)  07-26|Selenium Powder 99.9%min Delivered India(50)  07-26|Titanium Plate TA2 2mm EXW China(-2)  07-26|Ferro-silicon 65%min In warehouse Russia(-2)  07-26|Manganese Flake 99.7%min In warehouse Rotterdam(-50)  07-26
  • Silver market report April 2014

    2014-05-16 09:02:16   【Print】
    The following is a brief synopsis of the report. Your access is restricted as it is a subscription based service.
    Please contact us for a subscription.
    Abstract 3
    1 Financial overview 3
    1.1 Domestic financial overview 3
    1.1.Asian Metal Copyright1 CPI up by 2.Asian Metal Copyright1 CPI up by 2.Asian Metal Copyright2 Raw material like crude silver and anode mud supply tight and production declines 17 7.Asian Metal Copyright4% YOY and PPI down by 2.3% YOY in March 3
    1.1.2 PMI up slightly in April 4
    1.2 International financial overview 5
    1.2.1 Future prices of crude oil struggle marginally 5
    1.2.2 Index of USD down unexpectedly 5
    2 Company news 6
    3 Chinese domestic market reviews 6
    3.1 Silver trading thin with low silver price 6
    3.2 Silver supply declines with short raw material 7
    4 International Market review 7
    4.1 Loco London Silver fluctuates lowly on volatile situation in Ukraine 7
    4.2 US stocks draw more fund from gold ETFs 8
    5 Production data 9
    5.1 Chinese main silver smelters’ output down by 6.37% MOM in April 9
    5.2 Silver ingot stocks at Chinese primary smelters down by 14.39% MOM by the end of April 10
    6 Import data analysis 11
    6.1 Chinese silver export up by 88.64% MOM in March 11
    6.2 Chinese silver ore and concentrate imports down by 42.61% MOM in March 12
    6.3 Chinese gold ore and concentrate imports up by 6.8% MOM in March 13
    7 Related industry developments 17
    7.1 Photovoltaic Industry rebounds with policies support and silver powder demand to increase 17
    7.2 Raw material like crude silver and anode mud supply tight and production declines 17
    7.3 Conflict in Ukraine continues and palladium powder price stays high 17
    8 Outlooks for May 18
    Picture 1 CPI and PPI trend in China 4
    Picture 2 PMI chart of manufacturing industry in China 5
    Picture 3 Future prices of crude oil in major contract markets in America in April 5
    Picture 4 USD index trend 6
    Picture 5 Silver prices in April 2014 7
    Picture 6 Loco London Silver trend in April 8
    Picture 7 Gold inventories of 8 main ETFs in the world Jan-Apr 2014 8
    Picture 8 Silver inventories of iShare Silver trust Jan-Apr 2014 9
    Picture 9 Silver outputs in main smelters of China Jan-Apr 2014 10
    Picture 10 silver imports and exports 2013-2014 11
    Picture 11 China import silver ore and concentrate 2013-2014 12
    Picture 12 Chinese silver ore and concentrate import by exporters 2013-2014 13
    Picture 13 Chinese gold ore and concentrate import by regions in March 14
    Picture 14 Palladium powder 99.95% prices in April 2014 18

    Table 1 Silver ingot stocks in Henan, Zhejiang and Gansu provinces 10
    Table 2 the three largest silver importers from China in March 2014 11
    Table 3 China’s silver exports by product category in March 12
    Table 4 China’s silver ore and concentrate imports March 2014 12
    Table 5 the top ten exporters and their export to China in March 14
    Table 6 The top ten gold ore and concentrate importers in March 2014 and their import: 14
    Table 7 the itemized data for China’s import March 15

    .Asian Metal CopyrightContents Abstract 3 1 Financial overview 3 1Asian Metal Copyright
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