2012 Annual Report of Nickel market
2013-03-08 18:14:39 【Print】
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1. Basic properties 5
1.1 Nickel properties 5
1.2. Nickel reserves and distribution 6
1.3. Applications 6
1.3 . 1. Nickel oxide ore and nickel sulfur ore mostly used for nickel cathodes and ferronickel smelting 6
1.3 . 2. Pure nickel 7
1.3 . 3. Anode-nickel: 7
1.3 . 4. Nickel-manganese alloy: 7
1.3 . 5. Nickel-copper alloy 7
1.3 . 6 . electron-use nickel alloy: classified into two kinds with many varieties for each kind. 8
1.3 . 6 . 1. Nickel-magnesium alloy and nickel-silicon alloy 8
1.3 . 6 . 2. Nickel-tungsten alloy 8
1.3 . 7. Thermoelectric alloy: divided into two kinds 8
1.3 . 7 . 1. Nickel-silicon alloy (have different content from that of fifth one) 8
1.3 . 7 . 2. Nickel-chrome alloy 8
1.3 . 8. Ferronickel 9
2. Macro-economic data analysis 10
2.1 Three times of Quantitative Easing Policy in USA 10
2.1 . 1. US Quantitative Easing Policy overview 10
2.1 . 2. Influence of three QEs on global economy 10
2.1 . 2 . 2. European debt crisis fast spreads 11
2.2.The hardest European debt crisis gone, no recovery sign in the near-term 11
2.3. Japanese QE: the most uncertain factor to global market 12
2.4. Obstacles appearing for economic growth in emerging entities such as China and India 12
2.4.1 Will reform of China’s new government remove bottlenecks in economic growth? 13
2.4.2 Burdened India hard to speed up 13
2.5 US energy revolution and influence on oil prices 14
2.6 Where US dollar heads among complicated international economy 14
3. Production status of 2012 15
3.1. Global nickel output & changes over years 15
3.2. Chinese nickel output & changes over years 15
3.3. Ferronickel output changes 17
3.3 . 1. Ferronickel output changes in 2012 17
3.3 . 2. Chinese nickel pig iron output & changes 17
4. Import and export in 2012 19
4.1. Lateritic nickel ore import 19
4.2. Refined nickel import and export 22
4.3 Ferronickel import status 23
5. Supply and demand analysis 25
5.1. Supply and demand analysis in 2012 25
5.2. Nickel supply and demand status in Chinese market in 2012 25
5.5. Nickel application in stainless production 26
6. Market review 29
Picture index
Picture 1 Distribution of global nickel ore 6
Picture 2 Ferronickel output statistics in 2011 17
Picture 3 Ferronickel output statistics in 2010 18
Picture 4 Chinese nicekl ore import in 2012 20
Picture 5 Chinese nickel ore import in 2011 21
Picture 6 Chinese ferronickel import in 2012 23
Picture 7 Chinese ferronickel import in 2011 24
Picture 8 nickel futures on LME in first quarter in 2012 31
Picture 9 nickel futures on LME in second quarter of 2012 32
Picture 10 nickel futures on LME in third quarter of 2012 33
Picture 11 nickel futures on LME in fourth quarter of 2012 34
Picture 12 nickel futures on LME in 2012 34
Picture 13 Price of lateritic nickel ore 1.8%min in Q1, 2012 35
Picture 14 Price of lateritic nickel ore 1.8%min in Q2, 2012 36
Picture 15 Price of lateritic nickel ore 1.8%min in Q3, 2011 37
Picture 16 Price of lateritic nickel ore 1.8%min in Q4, 2012 38
Picture 17 Price of lateritic nickel ore 1.8%min in 2012 38
Picture 18 ex-factory price of nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand in first quarter of 2012 39
Picture 19 market price for nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand 39
Picture 20 ex-factory price of nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand in second quarter of 2012 40
Picture 21 market price of nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand in second quarter of 2012 40
Picture 22 ex-factory price of nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand in third quarter of 2012 41
Picture 23 market price of nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand in third quarter of 2012 41
Picture 24 ex-factory price of nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand in fourth quarter of 2012 42
Picture 25 market price of nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand in fourth quarter of 2012 42
Picture 26 ex-factory price of nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand 42
Picture 27 market price of nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand in 2011 43
Picture 28 hinese Ferronickel 10-15%min spot market trend from Jan to March in 2012 graph (Unit: RMB/t) 44
Picture 29 Chinese Ferronickel 10-15%min spot market trend from April to June in 2012 graph (Unit: RMB/t) 45
Picture 30 Chinese Ferronickel 10-15%min spot market trend from July to Spe in 2012 graph (Unit: RMB/t) 46
Picture 31 Chinese Ferronickel 10-15%min spot market trend from Oc tto Dec in 2012 graph (Unit: RMB/t) 48
Picture 32 Chinese Ferronickel 10-15%min spot market trend in 2011 graph (Unit: RMB/t 48
Table index
Table 1 Chinese nickel cathodes output in 2012 15
Table 2 Chinese nickel ore output in 2012 16
Table 3 The nickel cathodes output in Chinese mainly producers in 2009-2012 16
Table 4 Ferronickel output statistics in 2011 17
Table 5 Ferronickel output statistics in 2010 18
Table 6 import volume of nickel ore and concentrate in 2012 20
Table 7 import volume of refined nickel and the alloy 22
Table 8 The import volume from Canada and Russia in 2012 23
Table 9 Import volume of ferronickel in 2012 24
Table 13 Stainless Steel output in 2012 49
1.1 Nickel properties 5
1.2. Nickel reserves and distribution 6
1.3. Applications 6
1.3 . 1. Nickel oxide ore and nickel sulfur ore mostly used for nickel cathodes and ferronickel smelting 6
1.3 . 2. Pure nickel 7
1.3 . 3. Anode-nickel: 7
1.3 . 4. Nickel-manganese alloy: 7
1.3 . 5. Nickel-copper alloy 7
1.3 . 6 . electron-use nickel alloy: classified into two kinds with many varieties for each kind. 8
1.3 . 6 . 1. Nickel-magnesium alloy and nickel-silicon alloy 8
1.3 . 6 . 2. Nickel-tungsten alloy 8
1.3 . 7. Thermoelectric alloy: divided into two kinds 8
1.3 . 7 . 1. Nickel-silicon alloy (have different content from that of fifth one) 8
1.3 . 7 . 2. Nickel-chrome alloy 8
1.3 . 8. Ferronickel 9
2. Macro-economic data analysis 10
2.1 Three times of Quantitative Easing Policy in USA 10
2.1 . 1. US Quantitative Easing Policy overview 10
2.1 . 2. Influence of three QEs on global economy 10
2.1 . 2 . 2. European debt crisis fast spreads 11
2.2.The hardest European debt crisis gone, no recovery sign in the near-term 11
2.3. Japanese QE: the most uncertain factor to global market 12
2.4. Obstacles appearing for economic growth in emerging entities such as China and India 12
2.4.1 Will reform of China’s new government remove bottlenecks in economic growth? 13
2.4.2 Burdened India hard to speed up 13
2.5 US energy revolution and influence on oil prices 14
2.6 Where US dollar heads among complicated international economy 14
3. Production status of 2012 15
3.1. Global nickel output & changes over years 15
3.2. Chinese nickel output & changes over years 15
3.3. Ferronickel output changes 17
3.3 . 1. Ferronickel output changes in 2012 17
3.3 . 2. Chinese nickel pig iron output & changes 17
4. Import and export in 2012 19
4.1. Lateritic nickel ore import 19
4.2. Refined nickel import and export 22
4.3 Ferronickel import status 23
5. Supply and demand analysis 25
5.1. Supply and demand analysis in 2012 25
5.2. Nickel supply and demand status in Chinese market in 2012 25
5.5. Nickel application in stainless production 26
6. Market review 29
Picture index
Picture 1 Distribution of global nickel ore 6
Picture 2 Ferronickel output statistics in 2011 17
Picture 3 Ferronickel output statistics in 2010 18
Picture 4 Chinese nicekl ore import in 2012 20
Picture 5 Chinese nickel ore import in 2011 21
Picture 6 Chinese ferronickel import in 2012 23
Picture 7 Chinese ferronickel import in 2011 24
Picture 8 nickel futures on LME in first quarter in 2012 31
Picture 9 nickel futures on LME in second quarter of 2012 32
Picture 10 nickel futures on LME in third quarter of 2012 33
Picture 11 nickel futures on LME in fourth quarter of 2012 34
Picture 12 nickel futures on LME in 2012 34
Picture 13 Price of lateritic nickel ore 1.8%min in Q1, 2012 35
Picture 14 Price of lateritic nickel ore 1.8%min in Q2, 2012 36
Picture 15 Price of lateritic nickel ore 1.8%min in Q3, 2011 37
Picture 16 Price of lateritic nickel ore 1.8%min in Q4, 2012 38
Picture 17 Price of lateritic nickel ore 1.8%min in 2012 38
Picture 18 ex-factory price of nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand in first quarter of 2012 39
Picture 19 market price for nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand 39
Picture 20 ex-factory price of nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand in second quarter of 2012 40
Picture 21 market price of nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand in second quarter of 2012 40
Picture 22 ex-factory price of nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand in third quarter of 2012 41
Picture 23 market price of nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand in third quarter of 2012 41
Picture 24 ex-factory price of nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand in fourth quarter of 2012 42
Picture 25 market price of nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand in fourth quarter of 2012 42
Picture 26 ex-factory price of nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand 42
Picture 27 market price of nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand in 2011 43
Picture 28 hinese Ferronickel 10-15%min spot market trend from Jan to March in 2012 graph (Unit: RMB/t) 44
Picture 29 Chinese Ferronickel 10-15%min spot market trend from April to June in 2012 graph (Unit: RMB/t) 45
Picture 30 Chinese Ferronickel 10-15%min spot market trend from July to Spe in 2012 graph (Unit: RMB/t) 46
Picture 31 Chinese Ferronickel 10-15%min spot market trend from Oc tto Dec in 2012 graph (Unit: RMB/t) 48
Picture 32 Chinese Ferronickel 10-15%min spot market trend in 2011 graph (Unit: RMB/t 48
Table index
Table 1 Chinese nickel cathodes output in 2012 15
Table 2 Chinese nickel ore output in 2012 16
Table 3 The nickel cathodes output in Chinese mainly producers in 2009-2012 16
Table 4 Ferronickel output statistics in 2011 17
Table 5 Ferronickel output statistics in 2010 18
Table 6 import volume of nickel ore and concentrate in 2012 20
Table 7 import volume of refined nickel and the alloy 22
Table 8 The import volume from Canada and Russia in 2012 23
Table 9 Import volume of ferronickel in 2012 24
Table 13 Stainless Steel output in 2012 49