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  • AsianMetal
    Events & Holidays

    2012 Annual Report on Tantalum and Niobium Market

    2013-02-27 09:47:15   【Print】
    The following is a brief synopsis of the report. Your access is restricted as it is a subscription based service.
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    Throughout the whole year of 2012, influenced by the policy of the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition, the global tantalum market shows upward tendency while the global niobium market shows downward tendency; prices of tantalum concentrate go up from USD90/lb to USD125/lb CIF China. After that, with the orders reducing, tantalum ore without clear origin are not preferred by consumers, so prices go down accordingly, while prices for the tagged tantalum ore are still firm at USD120/lb CIF China.

    In the first half year of 2012, niobium market is better than that of the second half year. Both the niobium oxide and the niobium metal demand keeps stable demand from both Chinese domestic market and international market keeps active.Asian Metal Copyright .Asian Metal Copyright While entering the second half year, most of the niobium products demand keeps dim except optical grade niobium oxide, prices go down continuously. Metallurgical grade niobium oxide prices go down from RMB380/kg (USD61/kg) to RMB320/kg (51/kg), with most of the domestic plants keeping large amount of stock. Niobium concentrate prices go down from USD23/lb to USD18/lb CIF China.
    .Asian Metal Copyright In the first half year of 2012, niobium market is better than that of the second half yearAsian Metal Copyright
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