• Fused Alumina White 99%min 1-3mm EXW Chinadown(-250)  02-08|Fused Alumina White 99%min F36 EXW Chinadown(-250)  02-08|Fused Alumina White 99%min 1-3mm FOB Chinadown(-30)  02-08|Fused Alumina White 99%min F36 FOB Chinadown(-30)  02-08|Chrome Conc. S.A. 40%min In port Chinaup(1.5)  02-08|Chrome Conc. Zimbabwean 48%min In port Chinaup(1.5)  02-08|Fused Alumina White 99%min 1-3mm In warehouse Rotterdamdown(-30)  02-08|Chrome Conc. 40%min FOB S.A. up(5)  02-08|Chrome Lump S.A. 38%min CIF Chinaup(5)  02-08|Calcined Pet Coke S 3%max EXW Chinaup(80)  02-08|Manganese Ore S.A. 36%min In Qinzhou Portup(1)  02-08|Manganese Ore S.A. 36%min In Tianjin Portup(1)  02-08|Silico-manganese 60/14 EXW Chinaup(150)  02-08|Manganese Ore S.A. 37%min In Qinzhou Portup(1)  02-08
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    Tantalum and Niobium Market Report January 2013

    2013-02-04 09:04:18   【Print】
    The following is a brief synopsis of the report. Your access is restricted as it is a subscription based service.
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    In January 2013 both the China origin tantalum concentrate and the international tantalum concentrate prices go down by different gratitude.Asian Metal Copyright Prices for niobium concentrate are at higher than USD18lb CIF China, while prices for metallurgical grade niobium oxide are RMB320kg.Asian Metal Copyright Insiders note that it is mainly caused by the slow downstream demand, while the prices increase happened in last October and November is mainly caused by the speculations of the traders.

    Chinese tantalum products prices go down with the raw materials prices, especially the low end products prices easily being affected by the raw materials. Average grade tantalum oxide and potassium fluotantalate prices both go down, but the deals do not increase.

    Niobium ore and niobium products market keep steady relatively, while the demand keeps slow on the whole. Prices for niobium concentrate are at higher than USD18/lb CIF China, while prices for metallurgical grade niobium oxide are RMB320/kg.
    .Asian Metal Copyright Niobium ore and niobium products market keep steady relatively, while the demand keeps slow on the wholeAsian Metal Copyright
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