• Aluminum Alloy TC A356.2 Delivered Chinadown(-10)  02-14|Coking Coal A 10%max, S 0.8%max EXW Hebeidown(-40)  02-14|Silicon Carbide Black 88%min 0-10mm FOB Chinaup(20)  02-14|Calcined Pet Coke S 3%max EXW Chinaup(90)  02-14|Antimony Trioxide 99.5%min In warehouse Baltimoreup(0.6)  02-14|Silicon Carbide Black 98%min F16-100 EXW Chinaup(200)  02-14|Aluminum Hydroxide 64.5%min EXW Chinadown(-60)  02-14|Manganese Flake 99.7%min In warehouse Rotterdamup(50)  02-14|Bismuth Ingot 99.99%min Delivered Europeup(0.15)  02-14|Antimony Trioxide 99.5%min In warehouse Rotterdamup(1)  02-14|Ferro-chrome Kazakhstan Cr 68%min, C 8.5%max In port Chinaup(200)  02-14|Bismuth Ingot 99.99%min Delivered USup(0.15)  02-14|Silicon Metal 5-5-3 Delivered Europedown(-50)  02-14|Erbium Oxide 99.5%min FOB Chinaup(1)  02-14
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    Nickel Market Report July 2012

    2012-08-15 14:47:40   【Print】
    The following is a brief synopsis of the report. Your access is restricted as it is a subscription based service.
    Please contact us for a subscription.
     Introduction 5
    1. Financial overview 5
    1.1 CPI reached the bottom line for the past 24 months in June 5
    1.2 PMI in July in China 6
    1.3 Nonferrous metal prices rebounded due to stimulating policy expectation 7
    2. International market review 7
    2.1 Crude oil prices increased with fluctuations in the international market in June 7
    2.2 USD index increased slightly 8
    3. Global spot market review 9
    3.1 Lateritic nickel ore market 9
    3.2 Nickel cathodes market 12
    3.3 Ferronickel market 15
    3.4 Nickel sulfate market 18
    4 Output in June 19
    4.1 Electrolytic nickel output 19
    4.2 Ferronickel output in June in China 19
    5 Customs data 19
    5.1 Nickel ore import down by 11.91% in July 19
    5.2 Chinese refined nickel import down by 23.6% in June MOM 20
    5.3 Top10 unrolled non-alloy nickel enterprises in China in June 21
    5.4 Ferronickel import data in June in China 25
    5.5 Chinese nickel sulfate import in June down 22.1% MOM 28
    6. Nickel industry developments 29
    6.1 Lateritic nickel ore industry developments 29
    6.1.1 Royal Nickel Corporation ("RNC") (TSX: RNX) is pleased to announce the results of a revised pre-feasibility study ("revised PFS") for its Dumont Nickel Project ("Dumont") 29
    6.1.2 Regency Mines PLC - Replacement - Increased MRE for Mambare 29
    6.1.3 Indonesia has issued nickel ore export quota to 15 miners so far 30
    6.2 Electrolytic nickel industry developments 30
    6.2.1 Global nickel supply material in excess in 2012 30
    6.2.Asian Metal Copyright2 USD index increased slightly 8 3.Asian Metal Copyright2 Russia nickel exports from Jan to May increased by 48.7% YOY to 123700t 31
    6.2.3 Qinghe Zhengda Powder Metallurgical Materials stops nickel sulfate production 31
    6.3 Ferronickel industrial developments 31
    6.3.Asian Metal Copyright3 Indonesia has issued nickel ore export quota to 15 miners so far 30 6.Asian Metal Copyright1 Inner Mongolia Chengfeng Non-ferrous Metal Co.Asian Metal Copyright1 Nickel ore import down by 11.Asian Metal Copyright, Ltd.Asian Metal Copyright2 Regency Mines PLC - Replacement - Increased MRE for Mambare 29 6.Asian Metal Copyright, planned to restart two furnaces. 31
    6.3.2 Yishui Jinye Cast halted ferronickel 4-6% production from June 31
    6.3.Asian Metal Copyright International market review 7 2.Asian Metal Copyright3 Ningxia Hengshun Smelter Co.Asian Metal Copyright2 Electrolytic nickel market forecast 34 8.Asian Metal Copyright, Ltd., reduced ferronickel 10%min production 32
    6.3.Asian Metal Copyright3 Ferronickel industrial developments 31 6.Asian Metal Copyright4 Inner Mongolia Zhuozi County Zisheng Metallurgy Co.Asian Metal Copyright5 Zhanhua Weiye Nickel Co.Asian Metal Copyright, Ltd., reduces ferronickel 11-13% production 32
    6.3.Asian Metal Copyright2 Yishui Jinye Cast halted ferronickel 4-6% production from June 31 6.Asian Metal Copyright5 Zhanhua Weiye Nickel Co.Asian Metal Copyright Nickel industry developments 29 6.Asian Metal Copyright, Ltd., reduced ferronickel 11-13% production 32
    6.3.Asian Metal Copyright2 PMI in July in China 6 1.Asian Metal Copyright6 Inner Mongolia Baotou Xinxing Ferroalloy Chemical Co.Asian Metal Copyright91% in July 19 5.Asian Metal Copyright, Ltd., reduced ferronickel 10-13% production 32
    6.3.7 Sinosteel Group’s Zhongbao Nickel Industry finished the equipment maintenance and will restart ferronickel production on 1 Sep 33
    6.3.Asian Metal Copyright4 Nickel sulfate market 18 4 Output in June 19 4.Asian Metal Copyright8 Inner Mongolia Baotou City Xingshi Chemical Co.Asian Metal Copyright3 Ferronickel market outlook 34 8.Asian Metal Copyright, Ltd., halted ferronickel 11-13% production 33
    7. Stainless steel industry developments 33
    7.1 Stainless steel scrap 33
    7.2 300 series stainless steel 33
    8. Outlook for August 34
    8.1 Lateritic nickel ore market outlook 34
    8.2 Electrolytic nickel market forecast 34
    8.3 Ferronickel market outlook 34
    8.4 Nickel salt market outlook 35

    Picture 1 CPI and PPI in China during 2011-2012 6
    Picture 2 Chinese PMI during 2011-2012 7
    Picture 3 Crude oil futures prices in US 8
    Picture 4 USD index 9
    Picture 5 Chinese lateritic nickel ore (nickel content of 1.8%) delivered-at-ports price trend in July: RMB/t 11
    Picture 6 Nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand factory price 14
    Picture 7 Nickel cathodes of Jinchuan brand price in spot market 14
    Picture 8 Nickel of Norilsk brand price in Chinese spot market 15
    Picture 9 Nickel of Inco brand price in Chinese spot market 15
    Picture 10 Ex works price trend of ferronickel 10%min in July in China: RMB/mtu 17
    Picture 11 Ex works price trend of ferronickel 4-6%min in July in China: RMB/mtu 17
    Picture 12 Ex works price trend of ferronickel 7-9%min in July in China: RMB/mtu 18
    Picture 13 nickel sulfate price movement in June 19
    Table 1 Inventory quantity and vessel mooring situation 10
    Table 2 Electrolytic nickel output in July in China 19
    Table 3 Top 10 import enterprises of nickel ore sand and nickel concentrate in July in China 20
    Table 4 Top 10 unwrought non-alloy nickel import enterprises in June in China 21
    Table 5 unwrought non-alloy nickel import countries in June 21
    Table 6 Top10 ferronickel import enterprises in June in China 26
    Table 7 ferronickel import in detail in June in China 26

    .Asian Metal Copyright3 Ningxia Hengshun Smelter CoAsian Metal Copyright
      Copyright © Asian Metal Ltd All rights reserved.