Monthly Chrome Market Report Jan 2024
2024-02-28 17:35:16 【Print】
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1. Market Highlights
Mainstream prices of Chinese HC ferrochrome kept stable as most suppliers held prices stable to ensure sales. With demand rising, mainstream prices for LC ferrochrome moved up . Mainstream prices for silicochromium decreased due to weakening demand of LC ferrochrome near the end of the month . Import price for ferrochrome in China remained flat during the month as buyers kept regular purchases and overseas suppliers held offers unchanged.
In January, the import prices for South African chrome ore, Turkish and Zimbabwean ore in China stayed unchanged supported by firm prices from overseas suppliers and regular purchases from consumers, while the in-port-China prices for South African and Zimbabwean ore declined amid weak demand.
As demand stayed sluggish, prices for Chinese chrome metal and chromium oxide green moved down, while chromic anhydride prices remained stable
Mainstream prices of Chinese HC ferrochrome kept stable as most suppliers held prices stable to ensure sales. With demand rising, mainstream prices for LC ferrochrome moved up . Mainstream prices for silicochromium decreased due to weakening demand of LC ferrochrome near the end of the month . Import price for ferrochrome in China remained flat during the month as buyers kept regular purchases and overseas suppliers held offers unchanged.
In January, the import prices for South African chrome ore, Turkish and Zimbabwean ore in China stayed unchanged supported by firm prices from overseas suppliers and regular purchases from consumers, while the in-port-China prices for South African and Zimbabwean ore declined amid weak demand.
As demand stayed sluggish, prices for Chinese chrome metal and chromium oxide green moved down, while chromic anhydride prices remained stable