• Zinc Conc. TC 50% CIF Chinadown(-2)  09-14|Lead Conc. TC 50%min CIF Chinadown(-2)  09-14|Manganese Ore S.A. 36%min In Qinzhou Portdown(-1)  09-14|Manganese Ore S.A. 37%min In Qinzhou Portdown(-1)  09-14|Germanium Metal 99.99%min Delivered Europeup(70)  09-14|Ferro-chrome Cr 60%min, C 8%max In warehouse Pittsburgdown(-0.04)  09-14|Germanium Metal 99.99%min Delivered USup(70)  09-14|Ferro-chrome Cr 60%min, C 8%max In warehouse Rotterdamdown(-0.03)  09-14|Germanium Dioxide 99.99%min FOB Chinaup(40)  09-14|Steel Billet Q235 150x150mm EXW Chinaup(70)  09-14|Nickel Ore Philippine 1.3%min CIF Chinadown(-1)  09-14|Steel Billet HRB335 150x150mm EXW Chinaup(70)  09-14|Silicon Carbide Black 88%min 0-10mm In warehouse Rotterdamdown(-20)  09-14|Manganese Ore Australian 45%min In Qinzhou Portdown(-1)  09-14
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    Monthly Rare Earth Market Report Oct 2023

    2023-11-12 14:13:25   【Print】
    The following is a brief synopsis of the report. Your access is restricted as it is a subscription based service.
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    1. Market Highlights 3
    2. Economy and Policy 3
    2.1 Exchange rate of U.Asian Metal Copyright9%min EXW China 16 8.Asian Metal CopyrightS. dollar against Chinese Yuan in September 2023 down by 13 basis points MoM 3
    3. Market Movements 3
    3.1 Chinese Market 3
    3.1.1 PrNd oxide 99%min EXW China 3
    3.1.2 PrNd mischmetal 99%min Nd2O3 75% EXW China 3
    3.1.Asian Metal Copyright2 China's PrNd oxide producers' output in October 2023 edges up by 1.Asian Metal Copyright3 Neodymium oxide 99.5%min EXW China 3
    3.1.4 Neodymium metal 99%min EXW China 3
    3.1.Asian Metal Copyright3 China's terbium oxide export volume 14 6.Asian Metal Copyright5 Praseodymium 99.5%min EXW China 4
    3.1.Asian Metal Copyright9%min EXW China 16 8.Asian Metal Copyright6 Dysprosium oxide 99.5%min EXW China 4
    3.1.7 Ferrodysprosium 80% EXW China 4
    3.1.Asian Metal Copyright5 China's ferrodysprosium production statistics 12 5.Asian Metal Copyright8 Terbium oxide 99.99%min EXW China 4
    3.1.Asian Metal Copyright9 Terbium metal 99.Asian Metal Copyright9 Terbium metal 99.9%min EXW China 4
    3.1.10 Chinese cerium oxide market 4
    3.1.11 Chinese lanthanum oxide market 5
    3.1.Asian Metal Copyright4.Asian Metal Copyright12 Europium oxide 99.999%min EXW China 5
    3.1.Asian Metal Copyright999%min EXW China 16 8.Asian Metal Copyright13 Yttrium oxide 99.999%min EXW China 5
    3.2 Chinese Export Market 5
    3.2.1 Neodymium metal 99%min FOB China 5
    3.2.2 Ferrodysprosium 80% FOB China 5
    3.2.Asian Metal Copyright12 Europium oxide 99.Asian Metal Copyright3 Lanthanum oxide 99.9%min FOB China 6
    3.3. International Market 6
    3.3.1 European praseodymium oxide market 6
    3.3.2 European cerium oxide market 6
    4. Company News 6
    4.1 China Northern Rare Earth announces Q4 rare earth concentrate price 6
    4.2 China Northern Rare Earth builds new warehouse for RE concentrate and oxide 6
    4.3 China Northern Rare Earth's HRE pilot line reaches scale production 6
    4.4 Hunan Jingxiang's bonded magnetic powder output increase 6
    4.5 Guangdong TDK breaks ground on phase two sintered NdFeB magnets project 6
    4.6 Shenghe Resources unit to acquire new shares in Vital Metal 7
    4.7 Bao Gang United Steel reports Q1-Q3 RE concentrate production of 251.8kt 7
    5. Producers Statistics 7
    5.1 China's PrNd oxide production statistics 7
    5.1.Asian Metal Copyright5%min EXW China 4 3.Asian Metal Copyright1 China's PrNd oxide producers' average operating rate in October 2023 up by 6.75% MoM 7
    5.1.Asian Metal Copyright4.Asian Metal Copyright2 China's PrNd oxide producers' output in October 2023 edges up by 1.92% MoM 7
    5.1.Asian Metal Copyright1.Asian Metal Copyright3 China's PrNd oxide producers' stocks in September 2023 slides by 0.20% MoM 8
    5.2 China's PrNd mischmetal production statistics 8
    5.2.Asian Metal Copyright1.Asian Metal Copyright1 China's PrNd mischmetal major producers' average operation rate in October 2023 edges up by 1.37% MoM 8
    5.2.Asian Metal Copyright3.Asian Metal Copyright2 China's PrNd mischmetal major producers' output in October 2023 increases by 5.23% MoM 9
    5.2.Asian Metal Copyright4 Neodymium metal 99%min EXW China 3 3.Asian Metal Copyright3 China's PrNd mischmetal producers' stocks in October 2023 down by 0.28% MoM 9
    5.3 China's neodymium metal production statistics 9
    5.3.1 China's neodymium metal major producers' average operating rate in October 2023 unchanged MoM 9
    5.3.2 China's neodymium metal major producers' output in October 2023 level off MoM 10
    5.3.3 China's neodymium metal producers' stocks in October 2023 unchanged MoM 10
    5.4 China's dysprosium oxide production statistics 11
    5.4.Asian Metal Copyright International Market 6 3.Asian Metal Copyright1 China's dysprosium oxide major producers' average operating rate in October 2023 edges up by 2.17% MoM 11
    5.4.Asian Metal Copyright1 PrNd oxide 99%min EXW China 3 3.Asian Metal Copyright2 China's dysprosium oxide major producers' output in October 2023 edges up by 0.76% MoM 11
    5.4.Asian Metal Copyright5%min EXW China 3 3.Asian Metal Copyright3 China's dysprosium oxide major producers' stocks in October 2023 down by 1.02% MoM 11
    5.5 China's ferrodysprosium production statistics 12
    5.5.Asian Metal Copyright1 PrNd oxide EXW China 16 8.Asian Metal Copyright1 China's ferrodysprosium major producers' average operating rate in October 2023 down by 2.05% MoM 12
    5.5.Asian Metal Copyright17% MoM 11 5.Asian Metal Copyright2 China's ferrodysprosium major producers' output in October 2023 declines by 4.76%MoM 12
    5.5.Asian Metal Copyright5 Praseodymium oxide 99.Asian Metal Copyright3 China's ferrodysprosium major producers' inventories in October 2023 up by 4.69% MoM 13
    6. Customs Statistics (September 2023) 13
    6.1 China's rare earth export volume in September 2023 down by 17.6% MoM 13
    6.1.1 China's neodymium oxide export volume 13
    6.1.2 China's dysprosium oxide export volume 13
    6.1.3 China's terbium oxide export volume 14
    6.1.4 China's lanthanum oxide export volume 14
    6.1.5 China's cerium oxide export volume 15
    6.2 China's rare earth average export price in September 2023 declines by 19.1% MoM 15
    7. Relevant Industry News 15
    7.1 NdFeB Magnet industry 15
    7.2 SmCo magnet industry 15
    7.3 Rare earth phosphors industry 16
    8. Market Outlook for Next Month 16
    8.1 Chinese domestic market 16
    8.1.1 PrNd oxide EXW China 16
    8.1.2 PrNd mischmetal EXW China 16
    8.1.Asian Metal Copyright2 China Northern Rare Earth builds new warehouse for RE concentrate and oxide 6 4.Asian Metal Copyright3 Neodymium oxide 99.5%min EXW China 16
    8.1.4 Neodymium metal 99%min EXW China 16
    8.1.Asian Metal Copyright3 China's dysprosium oxide major producers' stocks in October 2023 down by 1.Asian Metal Copyright5 Praseodymium oxide 99.5%min EXW China 16
    8.1.Asian Metal Copyright9%min FOB China 6 3.Asian Metal Copyright6 Dysprosium oxide 99.5%min EXW China 16
    8.1.7 Ferrodysprosium 80% EXW China 16
    8.1.Asian Metal Copyright1.Asian Metal Copyright8 Terbium oxide 99.99%min EXW China 16
    8.1.Asian Metal Copyright1.Asian Metal Copyright9 Terbium metal 99.9%min EXW China 16
    8.1.Asian Metal Copyright2.Asian Metal Copyright10 Cerium oxide 99.9%min EXW China 16
    8.1.Asian Metal Copyright9%min EXW China 16 8.Asian Metal Copyright11 Lanthanum oxide 99.9%min EXW China 16
    8.1.Asian Metal Copyright4 China's lanthanum oxide export volume 14 6.Asian Metal Copyright12 Europium oxide 99.999%min EXW China 16
    8.1.Asian Metal Copyright5 China's cerium oxide export volume 15 6.Asian Metal Copyright13 Yttrium oxide 99.999%min EXW China 16
    8.2 Chinese Export market 16
    8.2.1 Neodymium metal 99%min FOB China 16
    8.2.2 Ferrodysprosium 80% FOB China 16
    8.2.Asian Metal Copyright3 China's neodymium metal producers' stocks in October 2023 unchanged MoM 10 5.Asian Metal Copyright3 Lanthanum oxide 99.9%min FOB China 17
    8.3 International Market 17
    8.3.Asian Metal Copyright99%min EXW China 4 3.Asian Metal Copyright1 Praseodymium oxide 99.5%min in warehouse Rotterdam 17
    8.3.Asian Metal Copyright69% MoM 13 6.Asian Metal Copyright2 Cerium oxide 99.9%min in warehouse Rotterdam 17
    .Asian Metal Copyright3 International Market 17 8Asian Metal Copyright
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