• Manganese Ore Gabonese 44%min In Qinzhou Portdown(-1.5)  02-18|Manganese Ore Gabonese 44%min In Tianjin Portdown(-1.5)  02-18|Manganese Ore Brazilian 44%min In Qinzhou Portdown(-1.5)  02-18|Manganese Ore Brazilian 44%min In Tianjin Portdown(-1.5)  02-18|Manganese Ore Australian 45%min In Qinzhou Portdown(-1.5)  02-18|Manganese Ore Australian 45%min In Tianjin Portdown(-1.5)  02-18|Spodumene Li2O 5%min In port Chinaup(30)  02-18|Aluminum Hydroxide 64.5%min EXW Chinadown(-60)  02-18|Silicon Carbide Black 88%min 0-10mm FOB Chinaup(20)  02-18|Pet Coke S 3%max EXW Chinadown(-70)  02-18|Fused Alumina White 99%min 1-3mm In warehouse Rotterdamdown(-25)  02-18|Coal Tar Pitch Coking Value 53%min EXW Chinaup(100)  02-18|Antimony Trioxide 99.5%min Delivered Chinaup(3000)  02-18|Manganese Ore S.A. 36%min In Qinzhou Portdown(-1)  02-18
  • AsianMetal
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    Monthly Section Steel and Steel Pipe Market Report Oct 2023

    2023-11-09 09:37:13   【Print】
    The following is a brief synopsis of the report. Your access is restricted as it is a subscription based service.
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    1. Market Highlights

    Prices of section steel and steel pipe kept going down in the first three weeks of the month, and the confidence of market participants weakened gradually. Prices rebounded suddenly in the fourth week boosted by the news that the government announced the decision to add more than RMB1 trillion (USD137 billion) sovereign debt issuance on October 24, and the market recovered shortly.Asian Metal Copyright Market Highlights Prices of section steel and steel pipe kept going down in the first three weeks of the month, and the confidence of market participants weakened gradually.Asian Metal Copyright The demand from downstream industries remained soft and showed no signs of improving.Asian Metal Copyright1.Asian Metal Copyright Besides, end users kept cautious about placing orders dragged by shrinking orders for final products and the low profit rates.Asian Metal Copyright .Asian Metal Copyright Prices of raw materials went up spirally, and the cost support for finished steel remained strong.Asian Metal Copyright Market Highlights Prices of section steel and steel pipe kept going down in the first three weeks of the month, and the confidence of market participants weakened gradually.Asian Metal Copyright Reporting poor sales performances, both steel mills and traders adopted pessimistic attitudes towards the market prospect.

    .Asian Metal Copyright The demand from downstream industries remained soft and showed no signs of improvingAsian Metal Copyright
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