• Aluminum Alloy TC A356.2 Delivered Chinadown(-10)  02-14|Coking Coal A 10%max, S 0.8%max EXW Hebeidown(-40)  02-14|Silicon Carbide Black 88%min 0-10mm FOB Chinaup(20)  02-14|Calcined Pet Coke S 3%max EXW Chinaup(90)  02-14|Antimony Trioxide 99.5%min In warehouse Baltimoreup(0.6)  02-14|Silicon Carbide Black 98%min F16-100 EXW Chinaup(200)  02-14|Aluminum Hydroxide 64.5%min EXW Chinadown(-60)  02-14|Manganese Flake 99.7%min In warehouse Rotterdamup(50)  02-14|Bismuth Ingot 99.99%min Delivered Europeup(0.15)  02-14|Antimony Trioxide 99.5%min In warehouse Rotterdamup(1)  02-14|Ferro-chrome Kazakhstan Cr 68%min, C 8.5%max In port Chinaup(200)  02-14|Bismuth Ingot 99.99%min Delivered USup(0.15)  02-14|Silicon Metal 5-5-3 Delivered Europedown(-50)  02-14|Erbium Oxide 99.5%min FOB Chinaup(1)  02-14
  • AsianMetal
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    Monthly HRC and Steel Plate Market Report May 2022

    2022-06-07 09:36:23   【Print】
    The following is a brief synopsis of the report. Your access is restricted as it is a subscription based service.
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    1. Market Highlights

    Prices of HRC and steel plate witnessed the decline of around RMB200/t (USD30/t) in major Chinese domestic markets during the month. The decreasing prices of raw materials such as iron ore and steel billet weakened the cost support for finished steel.Asian Metal Copyright Besides, the demand remained soft.Asian Metal Copyright Dragged by the poor sales performance, both steel mills and traders cut prices in succession. Leading steel mills such as Baowu Group, HBIS, Ansteel and Shougang Group moved down HRC EXW prices for June production by RMB100-300/t (USD15-45/t) during the month.Asian Metal Copyright Market Highlights Prices of HRC and steel plate witnessed the decline of around RMB200t USD30t in major Chinese domestic markets during the month.Asian Metal Copyright The demand from downstream industries remained insufficient, and end users kept cautious about purchasing seeing the frequent price change.Asian Metal Copyright Dragged by the poor sales performance, both steel mills and traders cut prices in succession.Asian Metal Copyright Besides, the pandemic control weakened downstream customers' purchasing activities to some extent.

    In the meantime, prices of HRC and steel plate went down continuously in foreign countries during the month. The decreasing prices in China heightened overseas market participants' confidence to some extent.Asian Metal Copyright .Asian Metal Copyright Besides, the demand remained soft.

    .Asian Metal Copyright Dragged by the poor sales performance, both steel mills and traders cut prices in successionAsian Metal Copyright
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