Monthly Chrome Market Report Apr 2022
2022-05-12 15:05:57 【Print】
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In April, the mainstream prices of Chinese HC ferrochrome, LC ferrochrome increased because of the increased prices of chrome ore; and the prices of silicon chromium increased due to the short supply.
In April, the in-port prices for South African chrome ore, Turkish and Zimbabwean ore increased due to the short supply; The import China prices for South African, Turkish and Zimbabwean ore increased due to the short supply.
In April, the prices of Chinese chrome metal, chromium oxide green and chromic anhydride keep steady as most suppliers have no intention to adjust the prices
In April, the in-port prices for South African chrome ore, Turkish and Zimbabwean ore increased due to the short supply; The import China prices for South African, Turkish and Zimbabwean ore increased due to the short supply.
In April, the prices of Chinese chrome metal, chromium oxide green and chromic anhydride keep steady as most suppliers have no intention to adjust the prices