Monthly Section Steel and Steel Pipe Market Report Dec 2021
2022-01-12 09:32:15 【Print】
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1. Market Highlights
Prices of section steel went up in most Chinese domestic markets during the month, while those of steel pipe went down obviously. The demand from downstream industries remained soft, and end users just purchased according to orders for final products and refused to build stocks . Discouraged by the poor sales performance, both steel mills and traders showed little confidence in the market prospect . Though prices of raw materials rebounded late this month, the market of section steel and steel pipe remained slow, and most participants adopted pessimistic attitudes towards the market prospect.
Prices of section steel went up in most Chinese domestic markets during the month, while those of steel pipe went down obviously. The demand from downstream industries remained soft, and end users just purchased according to orders for final products and refused to build stocks . Discouraged by the poor sales performance, both steel mills and traders showed little confidence in the market prospect . Though prices of raw materials rebounded late this month, the market of section steel and steel pipe remained slow, and most participants adopted pessimistic attitudes towards the market prospect.