Monthly Antimony Market Report Feb 2018
2018-03-20 17:48:30 【Print】
The following is a brief synopsis of the report. Your access is restricted as it is a subscription based service.
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1. Market Highlights 2
2. Economy and policy 2
3. Company News 2
3.1 Hunan Nonferrous Metals Industry releases new policy 2
3.2 China's first green tax declaration period to start on April 1st 2
3.3 Shandong Humon Smelting likely to construct technical renovation project of rare precious metals recycling 2
3.4 500 polluting enterprises to be eliminated in Beijing in 2018 2
4. Market Movements 2
4.1 Chinese Market Movements 2
4.1.1Chinese antimony concentrate 2
4.1.2 Chinese antimony ingot 2
4.1.3 Chinese antimony trioxide 3
4.2 International Market Movements 3
4.2.1 Chinese antimony ingot export prices 3
4.2.2 Antimony trioxide export prices 3
5. Producers Statistics 3
5.1 Antimony ingot output 3
5.2 Antimony trioxide output 4
6. Customs Statistics 4
6.1 Chinese antimony ore and concentrate importers in Jan 2017 4
6.2 Chinese antimony trioxide exporters in Jan 2018 5
6.3 Chinese unwrought antimony exporters in Jan 2018 5
7. Market outlook for next month 6
1. Market Highlights 2
2. Economy and policy 2
3. Company News 2
3.1 Hunan Nonferrous Metals Industry releases new policy 2
3.2 China's first green tax declaration period to start on April 1st 2
3.3 Shandong Humon Smelting likely to construct technical renovation project of rare precious metals recycling 2
3.4 500 polluting enterprises to be eliminated in Beijing in 2018 2
4. Market Movements 2
4.1 Chinese Market Movements 2
4.1.1Chinese antimony concentrate 2
4.1.2 Chinese antimony ingot 2
4.1.3 Chinese antimony trioxide 3
4.2 International Market Movements 3
4.2.1 Chinese antimony ingot export prices 3
4.2.2 Antimony trioxide export prices 3
5. Producers Statistics 3
5.1 Antimony ingot output 3
5.2 Antimony trioxide output 4
6. Customs Statistics 4
6.1 Chinese antimony ore and concentrate importers in Jan 2017 4
6.2 Chinese antimony trioxide exporters in Jan 2018 5
6.3 Chinese unwrought antimony exporters in Jan 2018 5
7. Market outlook for next month 6