• Fused Alumina White 99%min 1-3mm EXW Chinadown(-250)  02-08|Fused Alumina White 99%min F36 EXW Chinadown(-250)  02-08|Fused Alumina White 99%min 1-3mm FOB Chinadown(-30)  02-08|Fused Alumina White 99%min F36 FOB Chinadown(-30)  02-08|Chrome Conc. S.A. 40%min In port Chinaup(1.5)  02-08|Chrome Conc. Zimbabwean 48%min In port Chinaup(1.5)  02-08|Fused Alumina White 99%min 1-3mm In warehouse Rotterdamdown(-30)  02-08|Chrome Conc. 40%min FOB S.A. up(5)  02-08|Chrome Lump S.A. 38%min CIF Chinaup(5)  02-08|Calcined Pet Coke S 3%max EXW Chinaup(80)  02-08|Manganese Ore S.A. 36%min In Qinzhou Portup(1)  02-08|Manganese Ore S.A. 36%min In Tianjin Portup(1)  02-08|Silico-manganese 60/14 EXW Chinaup(150)  02-08|Manganese Ore S.A. 37%min In Qinzhou Portup(1)  02-08
  • AsianMetal
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    Tantalum-Niobium market report July 2017

    2017-08-04 17:41:21   【Print】
    The following is a brief synopsis of the report. Your access is restricted as it is a subscription based service.
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    In July, Chinese tantalum-niobium market saw inactive transactions.Asian Metal CopyrightIn July, Chinese tantalum-niobium market saw inactive transactions.Asian Metal Copyright Affected by summer break, most downstream consumers were not in a rush to make bulk purchases.Asian Metal CopyrightIn July, Chinese tantalum-niobium market saw inactive transactions.Asian Metal Copyright In the meantime, the operating rates were low due to high temperature, causing a low level of output and sluggish supply and demand.Asian Metal Copyright As the output of tantalum ore was limited and the export market was restricted in Africa, supply for imported tantalum ore in Chinese spot market remained tight with prices for the material showing a continuous uptrend.Asian Metal Copyright As the output of tantalum ore was limited and the export market was restricted in Africa, supply for imported tantalum ore in Chinese spot market remained tight with prices for the material showing a continuous uptrend.
    .Asian Metal Copyright In the meantime, the operating rates were low due to high temperature, causing a low level of output and sluggish supply and demandAsian Metal Copyright
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