• Fused Alumina White 99%min 1-3mm EXW Chinadown(-250)  02-08|Fused Alumina White 99%min F36 EXW Chinadown(-250)  02-08|Fused Alumina White 99%min 1-3mm FOB Chinadown(-30)  02-08|Fused Alumina White 99%min F36 FOB Chinadown(-30)  02-08|Chrome Conc. S.A. 40%min In port Chinaup(1.5)  02-08|Chrome Conc. Zimbabwean 48%min In port Chinaup(1.5)  02-08|Fused Alumina White 99%min 1-3mm In warehouse Rotterdamdown(-30)  02-08|Chrome Conc. 40%min FOB S.A. up(5)  02-08|Chrome Lump S.A. 38%min CIF Chinaup(5)  02-08|Calcined Pet Coke S 3%max EXW Chinaup(80)  02-08|Manganese Ore S.A. 36%min In Qinzhou Portup(1)  02-08|Manganese Ore S.A. 36%min In Tianjin Portup(1)  02-08|Silico-manganese 60/14 EXW Chinaup(150)  02-08|Manganese Ore S.A. 37%min In Qinzhou Portup(1)  02-08
  • AsianMetal
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    Molybdenum market report September 2015

    2015-10-23 17:44:38   【Print】
    The following is a brief synopsis of the report. Your access is restricted as it is a subscription based service.
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    The overall price of the domestic molybdenum saw a slower decrease in September over August and July.Asian Metal Copyright However, the market demand became weak significantly and it was harder for producers to recoup funds with difficulties in selling.Asian Metal Copyright However, the market demand became weak significantly and it was harder for producers to recoup funds with difficulties in selling.Asian Metal Copyright .Asian Metal Copyright Some enterprises had shut down due to the heavily financial pressure.Asian Metal Copyright The overall price of molybdenum concentrate was stable, but few large-sized producers stopped production in September due to the heavily financial pressure for a long time.Asian Metal Copyright The tender price of the ferromolybdenum from the domestic steel mills at the end of September leveled off from early September.Asian Metal CopyrightThe overall price of the domestic molybdenum saw a slower decrease in September over August and July.Asian Metal Copyright Although there was no lower tender price in the market, some steel mills put off purchasing.Asian Metal Copyright The overall price of molybdenum concentrate was stable, but few large-sized producers stopped production in September due to the heavily financial pressure for a long time.Asian Metal Copyright The overall price of molybdenum concentrate was stable, but few large-sized producers stopped production in September due to the heavily financial pressure for a long time.
    .Asian Metal Copyright The overall price of molybdenum concentrate was stable, but few large-sized producers stopped production in September due to the heavily financial pressure for a long timeAsian Metal Copyright
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