Iron Market Report January 2014
2014-02-18 14:28:30
The following is a brief synopsis of the report. Your access is restricted as it is a subscription based service.
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S.Asian Metal Copyright cast iron market declined after rising this month.Asian Metal CopyrightG.Asian Metal CopyrightS.Asian Metal Copyright cast iron market declined after rising this month.Asian Metal Copyright cast iron as some local ironworks shut down due to capital turnover difficulties at the end of the month and the other ironworks increased prices of S.Asian Metal Copyright Ironworks kept inventory at low level driven by surge of sales in December in most areas, so prices of S.Asian Metal Copyright Local ironworks’ shipment reduced sharply this month, with inventories increasing to a high level, so they hoped to stimulate shipment by price reduction.Asian Metal CopyrightG. cast iron rose roughly RMB50/t at the beginning of this month.Asian Metal Copyright cast iron hiked RMB50t at the end of January from those of early January, which is caused by short supply of S.Asian Metal Copyright The sales situation was still not optimistic after price rise, so figures of S.Asian Metal Copyright cast iron market declined after rising this month.Asian Metal CopyrightG.Asian Metal CopyrightG.Asian Metal Copyright cast iron have readjusted to levels of early this month at mid-to-late January.Asian Metal Copyright cast iron declined in Jinan, Shandong and Yicheng, Shanxi at the end of January compared with those at the beginning of January.Asian Metal Copyright So to sum up, figures of S.Asian Metal Copyright Prices of S.Asian Metal CopyrightG.Asian Metal CopyrightG.Asian Metal Copyright cast iron at the end of January were stable with those of early January in most areas, with slight deviation in some areas.Asian Metal Copyright cast iron as some local ironworks shut down due to capital turnover difficulties at the end of the month and the other ironworks increased prices of S.Asian Metal Copyright Prices of S.Asian Metal Copyright cast iron at the end of January were stable with those of early January in most areas, with slight deviation in some areas.Asian Metal CopyrightG. cast iron hiked RMB50/t at the end of January from those of early January, which is caused by short supply of S.Asian Metal CopyrightG.Asian Metal CopyrightG.Asian Metal Copyright The sales situation was still not optimistic after price rise, so figures of S.Asian Metal Copyright cast iron as some local ironworks shut down due to capital turnover difficulties at the end of the month and the other ironworks increased prices of S.Asian Metal CopyrightG.Asian Metal CopyrightG.Asian Metal Copyright Prices of S.Asian Metal Copyright cast iron slightly.Asian Metal CopyrightG.Asian Metal Copyright While prices of S.Asian Metal Copyright So to sum up, figures of S.Asian Metal CopyrightG.Asian Metal CopyrightG.Asian Metal Copyright cast iron declined in Jinan, Shandong and Yicheng, Shanxi at the end of January compared with those at the beginning of January.Asian Metal Copyright cast iron hiked RMB50t at the end of January from those of early January, which is caused by short supply of S.Asian Metal Copyright Local ironworks’ shipment reduced sharply this month, with inventories increasing to a high level, so they hoped to stimulate shipment by price reduction.Asian Metal Copyright cast iron slightly.Asian Metal Copyright But the sales situation has not changed obviously.Asian Metal Copyright While prices of S.Asian Metal Copyright