• Alumina 98.5%min EXW Chinadown(-140)  01-14|Manganese Ore Gabonese 44%min In Tianjin Portup(1)  01-14|Manganese Ore Brazilian 44%min In Tianjin Portup(1)  01-14|Manganese Ore Gabonese 44%min In Qinzhou Portup(1)  01-14|Manganese Ore Australian 45%min In Tianjin Portup(1)  01-14|Vanadium Pentoxide Flake 98%min In warehouse Rotterdamdown(-0.1)  01-14|Rebar BS4449 GR500 16mm In warehouse Kuala Lumpurdown(-50)  01-14|Chrome Conc. Zimbabwean 48%min In port Chinaup(1)  01-14|Rebar BS4449 GR500 12mm In warehouse Kuala Lumpurdown(-50)  01-14|Bastnaesite TREO 70%min EXW Chinaup(500)  01-14|Steel Scrap HMS 8mm min EXW Wuxidown(-50)  01-14|Alumina 98.5%min FOB Australiadown(-12)  01-14|Chrome Conc. Zimbabwean 48%min CIF Chinaup(5)  01-14|Calcium Ingot Reductive 98%min EXW Chinadown(-300)  01-14
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    Lead Market Report September 2013

    2013-10-16 05:00:57   【Print】
    The following is a brief synopsis of the report. Your access is restricted as it is a subscription based service.
    Please contact us for a subscription.
    Introduction 4
    1. Financial News Overview 4
    1.1 International financial news overview 4
    1.1.1 Price of futures crude oil falls with fluctuations 4
    1.1.2 US dollar index down, American government to close down 5
    1.2 Chinese Financial News Overview 6
    1.2.Asian Metal Copyright3 Chinese lead smelters operation rate recovers slightly to 55.Asian Metal Copyright1 CPI rising 2.Asian Metal Copyright2 Chinese lead ingot prices decline, trading slows down 11 3.Asian Metal Copyright6% y-o-y and PPI declining 1.6% y-o-y in August 6
    1.2.2 PMI rising for three consecutive months in September 7
    2. International Lead Market Review 8
    2.1 Lead futures retreat on the LME in September 8
    3. Chinese lead market review 10
    3.1 Lead concentrate prices decline in September but supply remains tight 10
    3.2 Chinese lead ingot prices decline, trading slows down 11
    3.3 Secondary lead demand weak and the price decreases in September 12
    3.4 Recycled lead battery market inactive 15
    3.5 Lead acid battery demand decreases 17
    4. Production Data 19
    4.1 Global market for refined lead metal in deficit by 41kt in Jan-Jul 2013 19
    4.2 Lead production in China 20
    4.2.Asian Metal Copyright60% MOM in August 2013 20 4.Asian Metal Copyright1 China lead concentrate production up by 3.60% MOM in August 2013 20
    4.2.Asian Metal Copyright2 Chinese lead ingot prices decline, trading slows down 11 3.Asian Metal Copyright2 China refined lead ingot production down by 4.44% MOM in August 2013 21
    4.2.Asian Metal Copyright1.Asian Metal Copyright3 Chinese lead smelters operation rate recovers slightly to 55.03% in September 2013 21
    4.2.4 Operation rates of biggest secondary lead smelters in September 22
    5. Lead import and export data in China 24
    5.1 Lead import and export data in China by country: 24
    5.2 Analysis on lead import & export data 25
    5.2.1 China’s lead ore/concentrate import declines by 31.93% YOY in August 25
    5.2.Asian Metal Copyright3 Top ten Chinese lead oreconcentrate importers August 2013 27 5.Asian Metal Copyright2 China lead ingot export down by 16.30% MOM in August 2013 26
    5.3 Top ten Chinese lead ore/concentrate importers August 2013 27
    5.4 China lead ore/concentrate import data by company in August 2013 28
    6. Company News 32
    6.1 Qianxin Mining’s lead-zinc mine starts operation in late August 32
    6.2 Jinhui Mining 5,000tpd lead-zinc mining project under construction 32
    6.3 Guosen Mining 2,000tpd silver lead zinc mining project to start operation in 2014 32
    6.4 Hunan Jinwang lead smelter to ramp up to full production capacity late 2013 33
    7.Related Industry Development 33
    7.1 China automobile output and sales increase in August 33
    8. Market Outlook 33
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