• Alumina 98.5%min EXW Chinadown(-120)  01-22|Alumina 98.5%min FOB Australiadown(-17)  01-22|Coal Tar Pitch Coking Value 53%min EXW Chinaup(100)  01-22|Aluminum Hydroxide 64.5%min EXW Chinadown(-80)  01-22|Cerium Oxide 99%min FOB Chinaup(30)  01-22|Pet Coke S 3%max EXW Chinaup(50)  01-22|Cerium Oxide 99.9%min EXW Chinaup(200)  01-22|Praseodymium Metal 99.5%min FOB Chinaup(2)  01-22|Fused Alumina Brown 95%min 1-3mm FOB Chinadown(-20)  01-22|Fused Alumina Brown 95%min F36 FOB Chinadown(-20)  01-22|Antimony Ingot 99.65%min In port Indiaup(50)  01-22|Calcined Pet Coke S 3%max EXW Chinaup(60)  01-22|Fused Alumina White 99%min F36 FOB Chinadown(-20)  01-22|Indium Ingot 99.995%min EXW Chinaup(50)  01-22
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    Events & Holidays

    2012 Annual report on lead market

    2013-08-19 14:57:48   【Print】
    The following is a brief synopsis of the report. Your access is restricted as it is a subscription based service.
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    Global lead market supply and consumption in 2012

    Growth of lead smelting capacity slows down in China in 2012

    Top 20 lead concentrate importers in China in 2012

    China major lead smelters’ lead concentrate import in 2012

    Review of lead ingot market in 2012

    Review of Chinese lead acid battery market

    1. Macro-economy overview 5
    1.1 Three times of Quantitative Easing Policy in USA 5
    1.1.1 US Quantitative Easing Policy overview 5
    1.1.2 Influence of three QEs on global economy 6
    1.2 The hardest European debt crisis gone, no recovery sign in the near-term 6
    1.3 Japanese QE: the most uncertain factor to global market 7
    1.4 Obstacles appearing for economic growth in emerging entities such as China and India 7
    1.4.1 Will reform of China’s new government remove bottlenecks in economic growth? 7
    1.4.2 Burdened India hard to speed up 8
    1.5 US energy revolution and influence on oil prices 9
    1.6 Where US dollar heads among complicated international economy 9
    2.Lead production and demand in 2012 10
    2.1 Global lead market supply and consumption in 2012 10
    2.1.1 Global supply of refined lead metal exceeds demand by 64kt in 2012 10
    2.1.2 Global major refined lead production countries in 2012 11
    2.1.3 Global major lead concentrate production countries in 2012 11
    2.1.4 Global major refined lead consumption countries in 2012 12
    2.2 Lead production in China 12
    2.2.Asian Metal Copyright5 China major lead smelters’ lead concentrate import in 2012 36 3.Asian Metal Copyright1 China lead concentrate production up by 15.3% YOY in 2012 12
    2.2.2 China lead concentrate production by province in 2012 14
    2.2.3 China refined lead production in 2012 21
    2.2.4 Growth of lead smelting capacity slows down in China in 2012 22
    2.2.5 China secondary lead production 27
    2.3 Lead ingot consumption in China 30
    2.3.1 China lead market consumption structure 30
    3.China lead import and export in 2012 32
    3.1 China lead concentrate import 32
    3.1.1 China’s lead ore/concentrate import up by 25.77% in 2012 32
    3.1.2 TC for imported lead concentrate 2012 33
    3.1.3 China major sources of lead concentrate import in 2012 35
    3.1.4 Top 20 lead concentrate importers in China in 2012 35
    3.1.5 China major lead smelters’ lead concentrate import in 2012 36
    3.2 China refined lead import and export 37
    3.2.Asian Metal Copyright1 China’s refined lead export declines by 64.Asian Metal Copyright1 China’s refined lead export declines by 64.03% in 2012 37
    3.3 Chinese lead acid battery export data in 2012 38
    4.Review of lead market in 2012 39
    4.1 Lead futures movement on the LME in 2012 39
    4.2 Chinese lead market in 2012 41
    4.2.1 Review of lead ingot market in 2012 41
    4.2.2 Review of lead concentrate market in China in 2012 43
    4.2.3 The review of Chinese secondary lead market 43
    4.2.4 The review of Chinese recycled lead battery market 46
    4.2.5 The review of Chinese lead acid battery market 47
    5.Market outlook 49

    Graph 1: World Refined Lead Supply and Usage 2006- 2012 11
    Graph 2: Global major refined lead production countries 2008-2012 11
    Graph 3: Global major lead concentrate production countries in 2008-2012 12
    Graph 4 Global major refined lead consumption countries 2008-2012 12
    Graph 5:China lead concentrate production in 2005-2012 14
    Graph 6 : China lead concentrate production by province in 2012 15
    Graph 7: Lead concentrate production in Inner Mongolia in 2005-2012 16
    Graph 8: Lead concentrate production in Sichuan 2005-2008 17
    Graph 9: Lead concentrate production in Hunan 2005-2012 18
    Graph 10: Lead concentrate production in Guangxi 2005-2012 19
    Graph 11: Lead concentrate production in Guangdong 2005-2012 20
    Graph 12: Lead concentrate production in Yunnan 2005-2012 21
    Graph 13: China refined lead production 2001-2012 22
    Graph 14: Increase of primary lead smelting capacity in China 2010-2013 23
    Graph 15: New lead smelting project starting operation in 2012 23
    Graph 16: Delayed lead smelting projects in China in 2012 24
    Graph 17: Lead smelting projects undergoing in China in 2012 and their production schedule 26
    Graph 18: Production of secondary lead of major Chinese secondary lead smelting enterprises in 2012 28
    Graph 19: Chinese secondary lead capacity emerging in 2012 29
    Graph 20: Chinese secondary lead smelting projects under construction or not started in 2012 29
    Graph 21: Chinese historical data of secondary lead production in 2000-2012 30
    Graph 22: China lead consumption structure in 2012 31
    Graph 23: China lead acid battery category 31
    Graph 24: China lead acid battery consumption structure 32
    Graph 25: China lead concentrate import 2006-2012 33
    Graph 26: TCs for imported lead concentrate in 2012 (CIF China) 34
    Graph 27: China lead concentrate import 2010-2012 34
    Graph 28: China major sources of lead concentrate imports in 2012 35
    Graph 29: Top 20 lead concentrate importers in China in 2012 36
    Graph 30: China major lead smelters’ lead concentrate import in 2012 37
    Graph 31: China refined lead import & export 2012 38
    Graph 32: China lead acid battery output monthly cartogram in 2011-2012 39
    Graph 33: Three month lead futures on the LME in 2012 40
    Graph 34: Lead ingot inventory in LME warehouses in 2012 40
    Graph 35: Lead futures on the SHFE in 2012 41
    Graph 36: Lead ingot prices in Chinese spot market in 2012 42
    Graph 37: Lead concentrate prices in Chinese spot market in 2012 43
    Graph 38: Prices of secondary lead 98%min VAT excluded in Chinese spot market in 2012 44
    Graph 39: Prices of secondary lead 98%min in Chinese spot market in 2012 45
    Graph 40: Prices of secondary lead 99.97%min VAT excluded in Chinese spot market in 2012 45
    Graph 41: Prices of secondary lead 99.97%min in Chinese spot market in 2012 46
    Graph 42:Prices of recycled start-type battery in Chinese spot market in 2012 47
    Graph 43: Prices of recycled deep cycle battery in Chinese spot market in 2012 47
    Graph 44: The processing charge of deep cycle lead battery polar plate in Chinese spot market in 2012 48
    Graph 45: The processing charge of start-type lead battery polar plate in Chinese spot market in 2012 49

    .Asian Metal Copyright2 TC for imported lead concentrate 2012 33 3Asian Metal Copyright
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