- Company:
H & R Johnson(india)
- Contact:
- Vishnu Barodia
- Tel:
- +912230647585
- Fax:
- +912230647585
- Date :
- 2010-12-03 20:28:37
- Buy/Sell:
- buy
- Metal :
- calcined bauxite
- Specification:
- Calcined Bauxite Al2O3 83.73% Fe2O3 2.79% SiO2 5.52% TiO2 4.46% CaO 2.12% Mangnesium as Mgo 0.28% Loss on Ignition(LOI) 0.29
- Quantity:
- 300 MT
- Price:
- negotiable
- Origin:
- china or India
- Packing:
- 500 kg jumbo bagd
- Loading Port:
- china
- Shipment Date:
- at the earliest
- Delivery:
- India
- Payment:
- L/C + 60 days
- Documents:
- necessary
- Inspection:
- necessary
- Validity:
- 2 months
- Remark:
- the bauxite must be sintered at 1600 degree centigrade