- Company:
- Contact:
- Ilya Borokhovich
- Tel:
- 7 3519035511
- Fax:
- 7
- Date :
- 2019-07-31 21:21:10
- Buy/Sell:
- buy
- Metal :
- Stainless Steel
- Specification:
- Slit Edge, Elongation above 54%; CR: 18 NI: 8, Coil weight 3-5MT
- Quantity:
- 40MT
- Price:
- euro
- Origin:
- China
- Packing:
- SUS 304 2B, BA (both side), Paper interleaved, according to JIS G4305
- Loading Port:
- any
- Shipment Date:
- September 2019
- Delivery:
- Delivery Tolerance: should be +0/-3% per item and total quantity and amount.
- Payment:
- 100% TT against receipt copy of the original BL
- Documents:
- Should be clarified and copy of its test report should be provided
- Inspection:
- yes
- Validity:
- month
- Remark:
- Delivery Tolerance: should be +0/-3% per item and total quantity and amount.