- Company:
Shabro International Pte Ltd.
- Contact:
- Ritesh Maheshwari
- Tel:
- 91 9811603652
- Fax:
- 91 7011347838
- Date :
- 2022-04-20 12:15:29
- Buy/Sell:
- sell
- Metal :
- SS Scrap
- Specification:
- All Grades 200, 300 and 400 series
- Quantity:
- 500 MT
- Price:
- Negotiable
- Origin:
- Korea / Japan / Taiwan / Indonesia
- Packing:
- In Loose and in bundles
- Loading Port:
- All the ports in above countries
- Shipment Date:
- 30-45 days from Business Finalization
- Delivery:
- CIF or FOB
- Payment:
- 100% on LC or DP
- Documents:
- All can be provided
- Inspection:
- Done at Load Port
- Validity:
- To be discussed
- Remark:
- whatsapp : +919811603652