- Company:
Jiangsu Shengyang Venture Capital Co.
- Contact:
- Bin Gong
- Tel:
- 025-83129426
- Fax:
- Date :
- 2011-11-29 09:39:30
- Buy/Sell:
- sell
- Metal :
- Ga
- Specification:
- 4N 5N 6N
- Quantity:
- 1000KG
- Price:
- Negotiate price
- Origin:
- China
- Packing:
- Standard
- Loading Port:
- According to customer needs
- Shipment Date:
- According to customer needs
- Delivery:
- N/A
- Payment:
- N/A
- Documents:
- N/A
- Inspection:
- N/A
- Validity:
- One month
- Remark:
- Email us to gongbin@chn-metal.com or info@chn-metal.com