• Aluminum Alloy TC A356.2 Delivered Chinadown(-10)  02-14|Coking Coal A 10%max, S 0.8%max EXW Hebeidown(-40)  02-14|Silicon Carbide Black 88%min 0-10mm FOB Chinaup(20)  02-14|Calcined Pet Coke S 3%max EXW Chinaup(90)  02-14|Antimony Trioxide 99.5%min In warehouse Baltimoreup(0.6)  02-14|Silicon Carbide Black 98%min F16-100 EXW Chinaup(200)  02-14|Aluminum Hydroxide 64.5%min EXW Chinadown(-60)  02-14|Manganese Flake 99.7%min In warehouse Rotterdamup(50)  02-14|Bismuth Ingot 99.99%min Delivered Europeup(0.15)  02-14|Antimony Trioxide 99.5%min In warehouse Rotterdamup(1)  02-14|Ferro-chrome Kazakhstan Cr 68%min, C 8.5%max In port Chinaup(200)  02-14|Bismuth Ingot 99.99%min Delivered USup(0.15)  02-14|Silicon Metal 5-5-3 Delivered Europedown(-50)  02-14|Erbium Oxide 99.5%min FOB Chinaup(1)  02-14
  • CISA: Major steel mills' average daily steel product output down to 1.92Mt in late Dec

    2024-01-05 15:14:33   [Print]
    Major Chinese steel mills produced about 21.Asian Metal CopyrightMajor Chinese steel mills produced about 21.Asian Metal Copyright15 million tonnes of steel products during the final eleven-day period of December 2023 when the daily output was around 1.Asian Metal Copyright69% from mid-December.Asian Metal Copyright92 million tonnes, down by 1.Asian Metal Copyright15 million tonnes of steel products during the final eleven-day period of December 2023 when the daily output was around 1.Asian Metal Copyright98% from mid-December, according to China Iron & Steel Association (CISA).

    In late December, major Chinese steel mills held steel products inventory of around 12.36 million tonnes, a decrease of 2,657,000 tonnes or 17.Asian Metal Copyright In late December, major Chinese steel mills held steel products inventory of around 12.Asian Metal Copyright69% from mid-December.

    .Asian Metal Copyright98% from mid-December, according to China Iron Steel Association CISAAsian Metal Copyright
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