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Iron Ore
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  • Product
  • Specification
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  • Date
  • Iron Ore Brazil
  • Sinter Feed Fe 62.5, Fe 59
  • Yafela Trading (Beijing) Ltd.
  • Sell
  • 548
  • 2024-07-18 16:25:27
  • Iron Ore
  • 62% FeT (Sinter Feed, Dry Concetrate)
  • Pondera
  • Sell
  • 527
  • 2024-05-28 23:48:54
  • Iron Ore
  • 62% Fe min
  • Onara Sourcing
  • Sell
  • 848
  • 2024-05-12 02:07:21
  • Iron ore
  • 62%Fe min
  • OF Mineral Trading
  • Sell
  • 844
  • 2024-05-10 18:30:52
  • Iron Ore
  • 65% min
  • Torres Muaoz Contratistas
  • Sell
  • 826
  • 2024-04-16 01:15:26
  • Iron Ore
  • Fe 62/64
  • Viribus Vita Investments
  • Sell
  • 1455
  • 2024-03-20 15:56:13
  • Iron Ore Fe 62+
  • Iron Ore Fe 62 and above
  • Wasel GTS for Export and Commercial Agencies
  • Buy
  • 2293
  • 2024-03-07 06:51:19
  • 62%
  • Metal & Mineral Resources, Inc
  • Sell
  • 2776
  • 2024-01-24 22:40:56
  • Iron ore pellets
  • Fe ( Total ) : min 65.5%
  • Kiarash Co.
  • Sell
  • 3227
  • 2024-01-22 16:49:54
  • Iron ore
  • 62% Fe min, 100k-120k MT cargos. Spot/prompt loading. Open to a term agreement
  • Eleos International
  • Sell
  • 3236
  • 2024-01-22 01:08:08
  • Iron ore
  • Fe 60
  • Almas Kavir Co.
  • Sell
  • 3441
  • 2023-12-19 15:45:15
  • Iron Ore
  • Fe 51.60% FeO 66.39% SiO2 2.03% AI203 0.14%
  • LM Global (Pty) Ltd
  • Sell
  • 1294
  • 2023-12-08 19:14:39
  • IronOre
  • Fe 60 -62% SiO2 5.88% , S 0.80%
  • Sociedad Minera Illayux
  • Sell
  • 3959
  • 2023-11-26 22:47:08
  • Iron Ore
  • Fe 60% min, SiO2<11%, P<0.1%, S<0.01%; Typical Sizing -13.2 to 2 = 85% and -2 = 15%
  • Gateway Commodities (Pty) Ltd
  • Sell
  • 5558
  • 2023-08-22 17:55:47
  • Iron ore 50% Fe
  • %50 Fe minimum
  • Garetminig
  • Sell
  • 5647
  • 2023-07-26 20:42:42
  • iron ore fines
  • fe 57+,size 0-10mm silica-4.4,alumina-4.4 phosporus-0.006 sulphur-0.01
  • Sell
  • 5728
  • 2023-05-23 12:19:29
  • Iron Ore
  • Fe0 78% Fe 59
  • Gevicom Limited
  • Sell
  • 3178
  • 2023-05-17 17:02:57
  • Iron Ore fine 67
  • Iron Ore fine 67%
  • Phoenix International Congo
  • Buy
  • 6228
  • 2023-04-28 17:33:46
  • Iron Ore
  • Fe : 62 basis Reject: 60% Al2O3:2% Max SiO2: 6% Max
  • Tadbir Negaran Iranian Ehsan
  • Sell
  • 3505
  • 2023-04-18 16:41:27
  • IRON ORES 61%
  • FE 61% - 62%, 10-50mm 90%min
  • BQ Mining
  • Sell
  • 5670
  • 2023-03-14 12:53:22
  • Iron Ore
  • 66% Fe (total)
  • Merkur Imex GmbH
  • Sell
  • 3014
  • 2023-03-02 21:52:23
  • Iron Ore 62%
  • Fe-63,91% FeO-11,67% P2O5-0,13% P-0,06% CaO-0,21% MgO-0,08% Al2O3-0,61% Mn-0,06%
  • Sassa Group
  • Sell
  • 5608
  • 2023-02-13 14:04:19
  • Iron Ore
  • FE 63%
  • Leap Investment Ventures
  • Sell
  • 3498
  • 2023-01-06 09:26:44
  • Fe 62% Rejected
  • Pithoe Mining Perkasa
  • Sell
  • 5174
  • 2022-12-26 17:58:17
  • Iron Ore
  • Fe 63.23%, SiO2 6.09% Cu 0.036% AI2O3 0.072%
  • Engineering Constructive Service
  • Sell
  • 3025
  • 2022-12-05 13:12:07
  • Iron Ore
  • 65% - 68% Fe (Magnetite) Size: 30 - 70mm
  • Open Minex
  • Sell
  • 3259
  • 2022-11-10 12:48:22
  • Iron Ore
  • Fe :52% Basis , SiO2 :12% Max , Al2O3 :4.5% Max ,S :0.50% Max , P :0.13% Max
  • Mineral Exp Int
  • Sell
  • 3261
  • 2022-11-02 19:13:36
  • Iron Ore
  • Iron Ore 62%
  • Energy and Metal House
  • Sell
  • 5370
  • 2022-09-02 18:28:27
  • Magnetite
  • 62% min , S 0.02% max , P 0.01% min ...
  • Guiyang MPC Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Buy
  • 7186
  • 2022-05-23 17:40:47
  • Iron ore Fe 62+
  • Iron Ore Fe 62% Magnetite S :< 0.05% TiO2 : > 0.35%
  • Finix Impex
  • Sell
  • 6715
  • 2022-02-25 13:33:34

Total 325 Records


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