• Met. Coke A 13%max, S 0.7%max EXW Shanxidown(-50)  02-19|Met. Coke A 13%max, S 0.7%max EXW Hebeidown(-50)  02-19|Met. Coke A 13%max, S 0.7%max EXW Shandongdown(-50)  02-19|Coal Tar Pitch Coking Value 53%min EXW Chinaup(110)  02-19|Antimony Ingot 99.65%min In port Indiaup(60)  02-19|Aluminum Hydroxide 64.5%min EXW Chinadown(-50)  02-19|Ferro-tungsten 75%min In warehouse Rotterdamup(1)  02-19|Antimony Trioxide 99.5%min In warehouse Rotterdamup(1)  02-19|Dysprosium Oxide 99.5%min FOB Chinadown(-5)  02-19|Coking Coal A 10%max, S 0.8%max EXW Henandown(-30)  02-19|Tellurium Metal 99.9%min In warehouse Rotterdamup(2)  02-19|Antimony Trioxide 99.5%min In warehouse Baltimoreup(0.5)  02-19|HR Coil SS400 3.0mm In warehouse Kuala Lumpurup(50)  02-19|Tellurium Metal 99.99%min In warehouse Rotterdamup(2)  02-19
  • Bao Gang United Steel reports annual production and sales results

    2024-04-22 11:58:47   [Print]
    Bao Gang United Steel produced about 14.Asian Metal CopyrightBao Gang United Steel produced about 14.Asian Metal Copyright75 million tonnes of iron, 15.Asian Metal CopyrightBao Gang United Steel produced about 14.Asian Metal Copyright20 million tonnes of crude steel and 14.Asian Metal Copyright26 million tonnes of commercial steel billets, 357,100 tonnes of rare earth concentrate dry basis, REO=50% and 502,400 tonnes of fluorspar concentrate in 2023, according to the company's annual report.Asian Metal Copyright26 million tonnes of commercial steel billets, 357,100 tonnes of rare earth concentrate (dry basis, REO=50%) and 502,400 tonnes of fluorspar concentrate in 2023, according to the company's annual report.

    In terms of annual sales, the Chinese company sold around 14.36 million tonnes of commercial steel billets, 346,900 tonnes of rare earth concentrate and 312,700 tonnes of fluorspar concentrate.

    The company also provided its annual production guidance for 2024, including 14.82 million tonnes of iron, 15.Asian Metal CopyrightBao Gang United Steel produced about 14.Asian Metal Copyright73 million tonnes of crude steel, 14.Asian Metal Copyright73 million tonnes of crude steel, 14.Asian Metal Copyright85 million tonnes of commercial steel billets, 370,000 tonnes of rare earth concentrate and 650,000 tonnes of fluorspar concentrate.

    .Asian Metal Copyright In terms of annual sales, the Chinese company sold around 14Asian Metal Copyright
    Calcium Granule Electrolytic 98.5%min EXW China
    Calcium Granule Electrolytic 98.5%min EXW China RMB/mt
    China reductive calcium clump producers' sales to production ratio statistics by province by month
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