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  • Ganfeng Lithium to acquire 70% stake in Mengjin Mining

    2023-07-28 10:04:30   [Print]
    The Board of Directors of Ganfeng Lithium has given approval for the company to acquire a 70% equity interest in Xianghuangqi Mengjin Mining Development Co.Asian Metal Copyright424 billion USD200 million.Asian Metal Copyright, Ltd.Asian Metal Copyright008% Nb2O5, equivalent to 4,772 tons of Nb2O5 metallic oxide.Asian Metal Copyright for a cash consideration of RMB1.Asian Metal CopyrightThe Board of Directors of Ganfeng Lithium has given approval for the company to acquire a 70% equity interest in Xianghuangqi Mengjin Mining Development Co.Asian Metal Copyright424 billion (USD200 million).

    Mengjin Mining owns Gabus niobium tantalum mine located in Xianghuang Banner, Xilin Gol League, Inner Mongolia. The underground mine has a mining area of 2.Asian Metal Copyright Mengjin Mining owns Gabus niobium tantalum mine located in Xianghuang Banner, Xilin Gol League, Inner Mongolia.Asian Metal Copyright34 square kilometers and a mining scale of 600,000 tonnes per year.Asian Metal Copyright34 square kilometers and a mining scale of 600,000 tonnes per year.Asian Metal Copyright The current mining license is valid until November 6, 2023.

    As of the reserve estimation benchmark date (April 30, 2023), Gabus mining area has total mineral resources of 72.443 million tons.Asian Metal Copyright014%, containing 9,448 tons of Ta2O5 metallic oxide; Nb2O5 ore resource was 63.Asian Metal Copyright The Li2O ore resource totaled 66.Asian Metal Copyright As of the reserve estimation benchmark date April 30, 2023, Gabus mining area has total mineral resources of 72.Asian Metal Copyright78 million tons at an average grade of 0.Asian Metal Copyright As of the reserve estimation benchmark date April 30, 2023, Gabus mining area has total mineral resources of 72.Asian Metal Copyright67% Li2O, containing 450,682 tons of Li2O metallic oxide; Ta2O5 ore resource was 69.Asian Metal Copyright The current mining license is valid until November 6, 2023.Asian Metal Copyright40 million tons at an average grade of 0.Asian Metal Copyright The Li2O ore resource totaled 66.Asian Metal Copyright014%, containing 9,448 tons of Ta2O5 metallic oxide; Nb2O5 ore resource was 63.Asian Metal Copyright424 billion USD200 million.Asian Metal Copyright07 million tons at an average grade of 0.Asian Metal Copyright The Li2O ore resource totaled 66.Asian Metal Copyright008% Nb2O5, equivalent to 4,772 tons of Nb2O5 metallic oxide.

    .Asian Metal Copyright008% Nb2O5, equivalent to 4,772 tons of Nb2O5 metallic oxideAsian Metal Copyright
    Tantalum Pentoxide 99.99%min EXW China
    Tantalum Pentoxide 99.99%min EXW China RMB/kg
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