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World Silicon Forum 2013

May 23-25, 2013 Xiamen, China
Asian Metal will hold the 2nd World Silicon Forum on 26-28th, May, 2014 in Xiamen, China, when producers, traders and consumers of silicon metal across the world will meet to discuss the development and outlook of the global silicon industry. Asian Metal, a leading international metal information provider, together with industry insiders will establish a communication platform for market participants within or related to the silicon industry from all over the world. Asian Metal held the “1st World Silicon Forum 2013” in Xiamen, China on 23rd to 25th May, 2013. The forum was widely supported by participants in the silicon industry and nearly 300 representatives attended it. (More details please find at
The Chinese silicon metal market saw a gradual recovery in 2013. The demand for silicon metal from both domestic and overseas markets increased, causing the prices to increase especially through August to October, when the speed of price rise was faster than expected. Chinese silicon metal export duty of 15% was canceled from 1st January 2013, which enhanced Chinese silicon metal competitiveness in the global market. In every month of 2013, Chinese silicon metal export volume was higher against the same period of last year.
Chinese polysilicon industry warmed up gradually in 2013, and the relevant departments of Chinese government issued policies to support photovoltaic power generation and further implemented the subsidy scheme to promote the sound development of the photovoltaic industry after the State Council issued “Six Policies of PV Development”. Chinese polysilicon companies resumed production gradually, with a steady rise of operating rate. However, the low profit era continued under the impact of low prices from overseas market, and many Chinese polysilicon companies failed to operate because of rising costs. Can the polysilicon industry improve or not in 2014? Will the cost of domestic polysilicon reduce further or not?
How can the Chinese silicon metal industry solve the contradiction between increased production capacity and reduced demand on the background of complex economic situations both at home and abroad? Will the consumption of silicon metal from organosilicon increase? How can Chinese polysilicon enterprises get out of trouble when their downstream products are resisted by international “Double-anti” policies in a struggling global photovoltaic market? When will silicon industry greet the turning point in the market?
Asian Metal will hold the 2nd World Silicon Forum on 26-28th, May, 2014 in Xiamen, China, where producers, traders and consumers of silicon metal across the world will congregate to discuss the development and outlook of the global silicon industry. We look forward to seeing you in Xiamen.
Market participants both from home and abroad together to interpret global silicon metal production and application status
Elites get together to address the outlook of silicon industry
A new interactive mode is provided for overseas and domestic suppliers and buyers to negotiate face to face.