- OverviewMore
- Asian Metal will hold the 2nd World Silicon Forum on 26-28th, May, 2014 in Xiamen, China, when producers, traders and consumers of silicon metal across the world will meet to discuss the development and outlook of the global silicon industry. Asian Metal, a leading international metal information provider, together with industry insiders will establish a communication platform for market participants within or related to the silicon industry from all over the world. Asian Metal held the “1st World Silicon Forum 2013” in Xiamen, China on 23rd to 25th May, 2013. The forum was widely supported by participants in the silicon industry and nearly 300 representatives attended it. (More details please find at http://www.asianmetal.cn/Events_2013/2013SiF/eventsBM_en.asp).
- The Chinese silicon metal market saw a gradual recovery in 2013. The demand for silicon metal from both domestic and overseas markets increased, causing the prices to increase especially through August to October, when the speed of price rise was faster than expected. Chinese silicon metal export duty of 15% was canceled from 1st January 2013, which enhanced Chinese silicon metal competitiveness in the global market. In every month of 2013, Chinese silicon metal export volume was higher against the same period of last year.
- Chinese polysilicon industry warmed up gradually in 2013, and the relevant departments of Chinese government issued policies to support photovoltaic power generation and further implemented the subsidy scheme to promote the sound development of the photovoltaic industry after the State Council issued “Six Policies of PV Development”. Chinese polysilicon companies resumed production gradually, with a steady rise of operating rate. However, the low profit era continued under the impact of low prices from overseas market, and many Chinese polysilicon companies failed to operate because of rising costs. Can the polysilicon industry improve or not in 2014? Will the cost of domestic polysilicon reduce further or not?
- ProgramMore
May 26th Monday 16:00-19:00 Registration 18:00-20:00 Welcome Dinner May 27th Tuesday 08:30 Session Registration 08:50-09:00 Opening Speech Zhiyong Zheng, General Manager Xiamen K Metal Co., Ltd. 09:00-09:30 Interpretation of “Silicon Metal” National Standard Modification 2008 Eric Duan, Assistant of GM Yunnan Yongchang Silicon Industry Co., Ltd. 09:30-10:00 Current Status and Outlook of Polysilicon Industry in China Jeff Lv, Vice President GCL-Poly Energy Holding Limited 10:00-10:30 Analysis and Discussion on Integrated Operation of Silicon Metal and Organosilicon Sanyue Wang, Director of Technical Center Bluestar Jiangxi Xinghuo Organic Silicone Plant 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break 11:00-11:30 Analysis on Current Silicon Metal Powder Industry Guojun Ma, General Manager Beijing Dadi Zelin Silicon Industry Co., Ltd. 11:30-12:00 Indian Silicon Metal and Downstream Industries Analysis Bart Udeshi, Head of Business Development Dept. Metals Range 12:00-13:30 Lunch 14:00-14:30 Introduction on Global Silicon Metal Powder Market Binbin Li, Vice GM Jinan Yinfeng Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. 14:30-15:00 New Pattern for Silicon Metal Spot Trading Hong Xie, President Yunnan Guichu Logistics Co., Ltd.
- ContentMore
- Chinese silicon metal market status and outlook
- The Chinese silicon metal market saw a gradual recovery in 2013 and the demand for silicon metal from both domestic and overseas markets increased. The prices went up and the output from silicon metal plants was higher than that of last year. What are the opportunities and challenges that the Chinese silicon metal industry will face in 2014?
- The influence on the silicon industry after the cancellation of the export duty on Chinese silicon metal
- Chinese silicon metal export duty of 15% was cancelled from 1st January 2013. In every month of 2013, Chinese silicon metal export volume was higher compared with the same period of last year. Where will the Chinese silicon metal export market head to under new tariff terms? Will Chinese silicon metal become more competitive in global market?
- The Chinese polysilicon industry has recovered gradually in 2013. Can the industry see further improvements or not in 2014? Will the cost in China reduce further or not?
- The Chinese polysilicon industry has improved gradually in 2013 but the low-profit era continued and most Chinese polysilicon producers were not able to resume production due to the lower prices of imported polysilicon. Will the Chinese polysilicon industry improve significantly in 2014?
- Analysis on silicon metal demand from aluminum alloy industry in 2014
- Demand for aluminum alloy increased as the automotive sector grew rapidly in 2013. However, there was still limited space for Chinese aluminum alloy producers to increase profit as prices stayed low. The secondary aluminum alloy industry, focusing on auto parts, was faced with a reshuffle, while the aluminum alloy industry and automotive hub raw materials witnessed severe competitiveness. Therefore, cost reduction and competitive forces have become the common concern of domestic aluminum alloy producers. How about the demand of silicon metal from aluminum alloy industry in 2014?
- Registration RatesMore
Before May 20
Pay in the Venue
AM members
10% discount allowed for three or above delegates from one company.
Account name: Asian Metal Ltd
Account number: 802012717208091001
Swift Code: BKCH CN BJ 110
Bank: Bank of China Beijing Guang Hua Lu Sub-Branch, 1/F Haiguan Building, 10 Guanghua Road, Beijing China
- Asian participants please contact
- Susan Yin
- Tel: +86-10-59080011/22/33/44 Ext: 891
- Fax: +86-10-59080044-801
- MP: +86-18618107707
- E-mail: susan@asianmetal.com
- Lily Feng
- Tel: +86-10-59080011/22/33/44 Ext: 886
- Fax: +86-10-59080044-801
- MP: +86-15101519402
- E-mail: lily@asianmetal.com
- European participants please contact
- Tom Hawes
- Tel: +44-207-481-9553
- Fax: +44-207-481-9553
- E-mail: tom@asianmetal.com
- US participants please contact
- Christopher Kavanagh
- Tel: +1-646-681-1151
- Fax: +1-646-6811171
- E-mail: christopher@asianmetal.com