
World Indium & Bismuth & Germanium Forum 2014

May 15-17, 2014 Changsha, China

World Indium & Germanium Forum 2013

May 8-10, 2013 Kunming, China

World Indium & Germanium Forum 2012

April 11-13, 2012 Kunming, China

World Indium & Germanium Forum 2011

May 9-11, 2011 Nanjing, China
Looking back at 2014, the demand for tablets and ITO target materials across the global market grew steadily along with consumption for indium ingot steadily growing along with the consumption for indium ingot. However, the production levels of indium ingot in China far exceeded the increase in demand. The excess production capacity is a significant problem. With the impact of persistent investment market trading through 2014, however, supply within the spot market was still tight. After prices for indium ingot 99.99%min initially rose slightly in earlier 2014, they fluctuated little from these high levels for some time. Although Chinese indium ingot export tariffs were cut again in 2014, from 5% to 2%, but Chinese indium prices are higher than prices in other country, which caused limited export volume and increased import volume. By the end of 2014, the indium price plunge made most of the participants feel confused about the price trend and future market of indium ingot. In 2015, how will indium prices move, maintain its low level at the moment or recovering slightly?
In 2014 China's state reserve bureau continued to purchase germanium metal. Meanwhile consumption levels grew from downstream industries for the material causing global supply of germanium metal to remain slightly tight with firm prices at a high level throughout the year. With the Chinese government pushing ahead with the production of optical fiber, as well as the continued military investment in infrared, can these current market conditions help to promote germanium activity? As demand from the solar, infrared, optical fiber, and military sectors continues to put consumption pressure on germanium metal across the world, can the price for germanium continue to be stable at its elevated levels through 2015?
May 7th, Thursday
16:00 Early Registration
18:00 Welcome Dinner
May 8th, Friday
08:30 Registration
09:00-09:10 Opening Speech
09:10-9:40 Brief review of germanium market
Wendong Bao, President
Yunnan Lincang Xinyuan Germanium Industry Co., Ltd.
9:40-10:10 Indium market review and the influence of removing export tax
Changming Zhang, President
Jiangxi Xinhuaneng Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd
10:10-10:40 Coffee break
10:40-11:10 The industrialization of CIGS thin film solar cells in China and the prospect
Lihong Yang, Researcher, Vice Director
Shanghai Center for Photovoltaics
11:10-11:40 Crystal Growth: Ancient and recent technological developments
Christian Hell, Technical Director
Photonic Sense GmbH
12:00 Lunch
14:00-14:30 The new development of optical fiber and the application germanium metal
Tieyan Wang, Deputy General Manager
Beijing Guojinghui Infrared Optical Science & Technology Co., Ltd
Contact UsMore
Asian participants please contact:
Effy Li
Tel: +86-10-59080011/22/33 ext: 842
Fax: +86-10-59080044-801
MP: +86-15201395586
European participants please contact:
Scott Yarham
Tel: +44-207-481-9553
Fax: +44-207-481-9553
US participants please contact:
Zachary Schumacher
Tel: 1-646-681-1155
Fax: 1-646-681-1161
--- A review at global indium market in 2014 and the outlook for it in 2015
Back in 2014, the Chinese indium ingot prices didn’t move forward like the continuous rising in 2013; it only rose in small scale at the beginning of 2014, then had been steady with a little fluctuation. However, at the end of the last year, affected by slower purchasing activities on the investment market, indium price unexpectedly fell sharply, happening both at home and abroad. Will indium price stay at the low end in 2015, changing it’s unceasingly increase in the past 3 years? Can Chinese indium price be in line with the global indium price, changing the price inversion situation in the coming year?
--- Indium ingot demand in South Korea and new development of ITO industry
The global demand for flat panel continues to increase. With the gradual increase in the downstream demand and good prospects for ITO industry, how’s the development of ITO industry in South Korea development and can it bring global indium market more confidence?
--- Can Chinese deep processing products for indium metal have breakthrough?
China’s indium ingot production is large while consumption is small. China mainly produce(s) crude indium and refined indium, while the industrialization of deep processing of indium products has been no breakthrough. High purity indium, ITO target materials, semiconductor containing indium materials etc, high technology and high value-added products haven't been able to become competitive in the global market, a large number of which imported from abroad instead. Can deep processing products of the indium metal in China make any significant progress in 2015?
--- World indium ingot supply and consumption pattern in 2015
With the improvement technology of recovering indium, more and more countries extract from waste containing indium metal to produce indium ingots, main consumers of which are still concentrated in East Asia. Japan scatters their purchase to South Korea, Europe and America; while South Korea also exports in addition to produce their own consumption. Because indium ingot prices stays firm in China, the main consumers of the material rarely imported from China in the recent years. However, in the face of excess supply, are Chinese suppliers willing to change their thoughts, returning to the international market?
--- 2014 global germanium market in retrospect and prospect
With the growing integration of the industrial chain in 2014, China continues to have a greater say in germanium metal prices. Although last year global germanium market is not active, the price is still stable at high level with the downstream consumers purchase from hand to mouth. On the premise of protecting precious resources, China still ensures certain exports volume of germanium metal. With the development of downstream industries such as infrared and optical fiber, can the global consumption of germanium metal increase in 2015? In the face of the global growing demand and China's protection of strategic metals, how would germanium price trend in 2015?
--- The germanium application of the infrared optical material
Infrared thermal imager has been widely used in preventing detection, fire control, security, and night vision and other fields, which stands for a great potential demand for both military and commercial use. The infrared optical application field is still the main growth point of future demand for germanium metal.
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AM members USD2280/person
Non-members USD2480/person
Account name: Asian Metal Ltd
Account number: 338956010219
Swift Code: BKCH CN BJ 110
Bank: Bank of China Beijing Guang Hua Lu Sub-Branch, 1/F Haiguan Building, 10 Guanghua Road, Beijing China
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