
Asian Metal

Media Organization

Registration Rates
  Before Apr 15 After Apr 15
AM members USD850 USD950
Non-members USD900 USD1000
10% discount allowed for following registration.
1. Asian Metal members
2. three or more participants from one company
3.Used to attend any AM conferences or summits before
Account name: Asian Metal Ltd
Account number: 802012717208091001
Swift Code: BKCH CN BJ 110
Bank: Bank of China Beijing Guang Hua Lu Sub-Branch, 1/F Haiguan Building 10 Guanghua Road , Beijing China
1、Registration can only be confirmed on receipt of payment or proof of payment.
2、Conference fee includes attendance to all sessions, refreshments, lunches, dinners and conference documentation, but accommodation and traveling fees are excluded.
3、A substitute delegate will be accepted.
Prospective attendees can, subject to administrative charge of USD100, claim refund on the follow terms:
a. 100% refund if application for refund is received four weeks prior to the conference date
b. 50% refund if application for refund is received up to two weeks prior to the conference date
c. No refund if application for refund is received less than two weeks prior to the opening of the conference
4、In the event that the summit is postponed or cancelled by forces outside of Asian Metal's control, the organizing committee will directly refund all paid participants.