- Content
- Analysis of China macro ec0nomic situation in 2012
- ---- Wang Xiaoguang, Development and Reform Commission
- Analysis of Ferroniobium Demand and Supply in Chiese Market and the Market Prospect
- ---- Zhang Guozuo, Chief Representative of China Metal and Special Steel Co.,Ltd
- Outlook for Chinese Vanadium Market
- ---- Qiu Jinguo, Marketing Director of Dalian Galaxy Metal Materials Co., Ltd
- Current Situation of Chinese Ferrotitanium Market and Prospect
- ---- Wang Qingguo,General Manager of Jinzhou Dahua Industry Co., Ltd.
- 2012 Chrome and Ferrochrome Chinese Market Prospect
- ---- Puma Cao Wenquan, General Manager of Yildirim Group Beijing Representative Office
- New Pattern for Purchase and Sale of Non-mainstream and Mainstream Manganese Ore
- ---- Xia Gang, General Manager of Million Link (China)Investment Limited
- Global Supply and Demand Condition for Molybdenum and Chinese Resource Policy Practice
- ---- Chen Jiabin, Doctor, Vice Director of the Department of Resource & Management of Chinese Academy of Land and Resource Economics
- South Africa's Economy and Minerals Export Policy Analysis
- ---- Mr. Gregory L. P. Munyai, Minister, Embassy of the Republic of South Africa
- New Technologies of Ferrotungsten Smelting in Steel Industry
- ----Guo Peimin, Director of Low Temperature Metallurgy & High-Efficiency Utilization Centre, China Iron&Steel Research Institute Group
- Brief Introduction of Chinese Ferroalloy Industry Development Trend
- ----Lu Caiyuan, Secretary General of Shanxi Ferroalloy Enterprises Association
- Boron and Its Application in The Steel Industry
- ----Changming Xu, Tech Manager, Asia Technology Center, Rio Tinto Minerals
- Topics to be discussed in the summit:
- a. Chinese macro-controlling policies on ferroalloys industry
- b. China economic analysis and forecast for 2012
- c. Ferroalloys Industry’s development and prospect
- d. Steel industry’s development and demand for ferroalloys
- e. Prospect for special steel’s demand on noble ferroalloys
- f. Chinese market supply and demand for molybdenum products
- g. Export market analysis for and export quota’s influence on molybdenum products
- h. World molybdenum demand and supply analysis and outlook
- i. Vanadium products’ production, consumption and export
- j. Ferrotitanium’s Chinese supply and world demand
- k. Ferroniobium’s world supply and Chinese demand
- l. Ferrotungsten’s demand and supply prospect
- m. Ferrophosphorus’ supply and export market
- n. Ferroboron’s raw material supply and exporting situation
- o. Steel industry’s demand on ferromanganese and its supply
- p. Outlook for steel industry’s demand on silicomanganese
- q. World manganese ore supply and Chinese demand
- r. Chinese steel industry’s consumption of ferrochrome
- s. Global demand and supply for chrome ore
- t. Ferrosilicon supply and marketing strategy
- u. Prospect of ferronickel and demand from stainless steel industry
- v. South Korea’s import relying on Chinese ferroalloys
- w. Japanese import strategy on ferroalloys
- x. Indian ferroalloys market development and prospect
- y. European ferroalloys demand and purchasing channels
- z. U.S. ferroalloys market outlook
- aa. Russian ferroalloys market situation and prospect