
Asian Metal
Analysis of China macro ec0nomic situation in 2012
---- Wang Xiaoguang, Development and Reform Commission
Analysis of Ferroniobium Demand and Supply in Chiese Market and the Market Prospect
---- Zhang Guozuo, Chief Representative of China Metal and Special Steel Co.,Ltd
Outlook for Chinese Vanadium Market
---- Qiu Jinguo, Marketing Director of Dalian Galaxy Metal Materials Co., Ltd
Current Situation of Chinese Ferrotitanium Market and Prospect
---- Wang Qingguo,General Manager of Jinzhou Dahua Industry Co., Ltd.
2012 Chrome and Ferrochrome Chinese Market Prospect
---- Puma Cao Wenquan, General Manager of Yildirim Group Beijing Representative Office
New Pattern for Purchase and Sale of Non-mainstream and Mainstream Manganese Ore
---- Xia Gang, General Manager of Million Link (China)Investment Limited
Global Supply and Demand Condition for Molybdenum and Chinese Resource Policy Practice
---- Chen Jiabin, Doctor, Vice Director of the Department of Resource & Management of Chinese Academy of Land and Resource Economics
South Africa's Economy and Minerals Export Policy Analysis
---- Mr. Gregory L. P. Munyai, Minister, Embassy of the Republic of South Africa
New Technologies of Ferrotungsten Smelting in Steel Industry
----Guo Peimin, Director of Low Temperature Metallurgy & High-Efficiency Utilization Centre, China Iron&Steel Research Institute Group
Brief Introduction of Chinese Ferroalloy Industry Development Trend
----Lu Caiyuan, Secretary General of Shanxi Ferroalloy Enterprises Association
Boron and Its Application in The Steel Industry
----Changming Xu, Tech Manager, Asia Technology Center, Rio Tinto Minerals
Topics to be discussed in the summit:
a. Chinese macro-controlling policies on ferroalloys industry
b. China economic analysis and forecast for 2012
c. Ferroalloys Industry’s development and prospect
d. Steel industry’s development and demand for ferroalloys
e. Prospect for special steel’s demand on noble ferroalloys
f. Chinese market supply and demand for molybdenum products
g. Export market analysis for and export quota’s influence on molybdenum products
h. World molybdenum demand and supply analysis and outlook
i. Vanadium products’ production, consumption and export
j. Ferrotitanium’s Chinese supply and world demand
k. Ferroniobium’s world supply and Chinese demand
l. Ferrotungsten’s demand and supply prospect
m. Ferrophosphorus’ supply and export market
n. Ferroboron’s raw material supply and exporting situation
o. Steel industry’s demand on ferromanganese and its supply
p. Outlook for steel industry’s demand on silicomanganese
q. World manganese ore supply and Chinese demand
r. Chinese steel industry’s consumption of ferrochrome
s. Global demand and supply for chrome ore
t. Ferrosilicon supply and marketing strategy
u. Prospect of ferronickel and demand from stainless steel industry
v. South Korea’s import relying on Chinese ferroalloys
w. Japanese import strategy on ferroalloys
x. Indian ferroalloys market development and prospect
y. European ferroalloys demand and purchasing channels
z. U.S. ferroalloys market outlook
aa. Russian ferroalloys market situation and prospect