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  • Headlines
  • Date
  • Soft demand continues to dampen regular graphite electrode prices in China
  • [2008-12-10 09:55:38]
  • Chinese high power and ultra power graphite electrode market slow
  • [2008-12-10 09:52:31]
  • Chinese buyers watching graphite electrode market
  • [2008-12-09 09:02:00]
  • Chinese graphite electrode market summary Dec1-5
  • [2008-12-08 09:18:56]
  • Chinese graphite electrode market slow
  • [2008-12-05 09:23:25]
  • Ultra graphite electrode not optimistically viewed
  • [2008-12-04 09:28:52]
  • Chinese regular graphite electrode market stagnant
  • [2008-12-04 09:26:56]
  • Ultra graphite electrode prices to increase?
  • [2008-12-03 09:12:31]
  • Suppliers insist on high offers of graphite electrode
  • [2008-12-02 09:37:13]
  • Chinese graphite electrode market summary Nov 24-28
  • [2008-12-01 09:27:41]
  • Chinese graphite electrode market slow
  • [2008-11-28 09:29:10]
  • Graphite electrode market sluggish in China
  • [2008-11-27 09:39:25]
  • Graphite electrode market sees lower offers in China
  • [2008-11-26 08:52:12]
  • Slow demand in Chinese graphite electrode market
  • [2008-11-25 09:23:56]
  • Graphite electrode market stale in China
  • [2008-11-20 09:35:16]
  • Chinese graphite electrode market frustrating
  • [2008-11-18 09:21:57]
  • China to impose export duty on graphite
  • [2008-11-14 11:10:20]
  • Chinese graphite electrode market slumping
  • [2008-11-14 09:18:29]
  • Chinese graphite electrode market sluggish
  • [2008-11-13 09:20:25]
  • Chinese graphite electrode market summary Nov 3-7
  • [2008-11-10 09:16:21]
  • The demand to be dampened in Chinese graphite electrode market
  • [2008-11-06 09:22:08]
  • Weak demand in Chinese graphite electrode market
  • [2008-11-03 09:18:05]
  • Buyers expecting lower graphite electrode prices
  • [2008-10-31 09:08:20]
  • Chinese graphite electrode market slow
  • [2008-10-30 09:31:08]
  • Chinese graphite electrode market summary Oct 20-24
  • [2008-10-27 09:30:37]
  • Chinese graphite electrode market remains slow
  • [2008-10-24 09:33:47]
  • Chinese graphite electrode market depressing
  • [2008-10-23 09:14:21]
  • Buyers watching graphite electrode market
  • [2008-10-22 09:37:08]
  • Chinese graphite electrode on the declining road
  • [2008-10-21 09:53:57]
  • Chinese graphite electrode market summary Oct 13-17
  • [2008-10-20 09:49:59]

Total 2926 Records


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