• Alumina 98.5%min EXW Chinadown(-140)  01-14|Manganese Ore Gabonese 44%min In Tianjin Portup(1)  01-14|Manganese Ore Brazilian 44%min In Tianjin Portup(1)  01-14|Manganese Ore Gabonese 44%min In Qinzhou Portup(1)  01-14|Manganese Ore Australian 45%min In Tianjin Portup(1)  01-14|Vanadium Pentoxide Flake 98%min In warehouse Rotterdamdown(-0.1)  01-14|Rebar BS4449 GR500 16mm In warehouse Kuala Lumpurdown(-50)  01-14|Chrome Conc. Zimbabwean 48%min In port Chinaup(1)  01-14|Rebar BS4449 GR500 12mm In warehouse Kuala Lumpurdown(-50)  01-14|Bastnaesite TREO 70%min EXW Chinaup(500)  01-14|Steel Scrap HMS 8mm min EXW Wuxidown(-50)  01-14|Alumina 98.5%min FOB Australiadown(-12)  01-14|Chrome Conc. Zimbabwean 48%min CIF Chinaup(5)  01-14|Calcium Ingot Reductive 98%min EXW Chinadown(-300)  01-14
  • Yahua Group begins phases II production at Kamativi lithium mine

    2024-11-18 14:38:28   [Print]
    On November 14, Kamativi Mining Company, a subsidiary of the China's Yahua Group, commenced the phase two production at Kamativi lithium mine in Zimbabwe, the first large lithium ore mining and processing project launched by Yahua Group in Africa.

    The mineral exploration and beneficiation test study for Kamativi project began in September 2022, and the first phase of the project reached full and steady production in April 2024.

    When fully operational, Kamativi project will be able to process 2.3 million tonnes per annum of lithium ore and produce 350,000 tonnes lithium concentrate annually.Asian Metal Copyright .Asian Metal Copyright Meanwhile, Yahua Group would further expand mining and dressing capacity, aiming to process 3.Asian Metal Copyright3 million tonnes per annum of lithium ore and produce 350,000 tonnes lithium concentrate annually.Asian Metal Copyright3Mtpa of lithium ore and produce 500,000 tonnes of concentrate by 2025, when the Chinese lithium producer would have a 60% lithium concentrate self-sufficiency rate.

    .Asian Metal Copyright The mineral exploration and beneficiation test study for Kamativi project began in September 2022, and the first phase of the project reached full and steady production in April 2024Asian Metal Copyright
    LNCMO 523 Delivered China
    LNCMO 523 Delivered China RMB/kg
    China lithium hydroxide monohydrate producers; suspension number statistics by province by month
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