2012 Annual Report on Zinc Market
2013-03-04 18:21:35 【Print】
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1.2.3 Manufacture copper alloy (brass)
1.2.5 Manufacture dry cell with zinc cake and zinc plate
1.2 Global zinc ore reserves and output
1.3 Zinc ore reserves and output in China
2.1 Three times of Quantitative Easing Policy in USA
2.1.1 US Quantitative Easing Policy overview
2.1.2 Influence of three QEs on global economy
2.2 The hardest European debt crisis gone, no recovery sign in the near-term
2.3 Japanese QE: the most uncertain factor to global market
2.4 Obstacles appearing for economic growth in emerging entities such as China and India
2.4.1 Will reform of China’s new government remove bottlenecks in economic growth?
2.4.2 Burdened India hard to speed up
2.5 US energy revolution and influence on oil prices
2.6 Where US dollar heads among complicated international economy
3.1 China’s zinc concentrate production up by 12.9% YOY in 2012
3.2 . 1 China refined zinc production down by 5.6% YOY in 2012
3.2.2 Chinese zinc smelting expansion pace slows down
3.3 Chinese die-casting zinc alloy plants’ operating rate below 50%
3.4 Increase rate of zinc oxide production slows down in 2012
3.4.1 Zinc oxide production in 2012 analysis
3.4 . 2 Zinc oxide 85-99.5% capacity 2012 analysis
3.4.3 Capacity & output of some main zinc oxide enterprises in China in 2012
3.4.4 Operating rate of zinc oxide in 2012 analysis
3.4.5 zinc oxide plants projects under construction by region
4.1 China’s zinc concentrate import down by 33.86% YOY in 2012
4.2 Chinese refined zinc import up by 47.58% YOY in 2012
4.3 Chinese zinc alloy import market keeps relatively stable in 2012
4.4 Zinc oxide import down by 33 . 7% year on year from Jan . to Dec. in 2012
4.5 Zinc powder import up by 10 . 7% year on year from Jan . to Dec. in 2012
5. Zinc market supply and demand
5.1 Zinc supply exceeds demand for six years in succession
5.2 Chinese zinc market sees weak demand
6.1 Zinc futures on LME move down in H1 move up in H2
6.2 Zinc concentrate market sees sufficient supply
6.3 Zinc ingot prices keep low and demand softens
6.4 Hot-galvanizing zinc alloy demand stable
6.5 Die-casting zinc alloy market moves down slightly
6.6.1 Market of zinc oxide produced by ingot remains weak
6.6.2 Zinc oxide produced from zinc scrap market stable, annual output slightly increases Y-O-Y
6.6.3 Zinc oxide 85-99%min market kept sluggish all year
6.7.1 Ultrafine zinc powder market stable
6.7.2 Metal zinc powder market remained dull
6.7.3 Mercury-free zinc powder slightly sluggish
6.8 Zinc chloride market kept stable
7 Related industry developments
7.1 Chinese domestic crude steel output record new high with 717Mt in 2012
7.2 Statistics on Chinese auto output and sales in 2012
Picture 1 Zinc consumption structure
Picture 2 China zinc concentrate production 2010-2012
Picture 3 China refined zinc production 2009-2012
Picture 4 China’s major die-casting zinc alloy producers’ operating rate 2012
Picture 5 China zinc ore/concentrate import 2010-2012
Picture 6 China refined zinc import 2010-2012
Picture 7 China refined zinc export volume 2010-2012
Picture 8 China refined zinc import & export 2007-2012
Picture 9 China zinc alloy import 2011-2012
Picture 10 China Zinc Oxide Import in 2009-2012
Picture 11 Import of zinc powder from Jan.to Dec. in 2012
Picture 12 Surplus/deficit of refined zinc in global market in 2005-2012
Picture 13 3-month zinc futures on the LME in 2012 (USD/t)
Picture 14 Price graph of zinc concentrate 50%min in the spot market in South China in 2012
Picture 15 Price graph of zinc concentrate 55%min in the spot market in North China in 2012
Picture 16 The treatment charge graph for imported zinc concentrate 50%min
Picture 17 Price graph of SHG zinc ingot in Chinese spot market in 2012
Picture 18 Price graph of Zamak-3 zinc alloy in China, 2011
Picture 19 Price graph of zinc oxide 99.7%min in 2012
Picture 20 Trend of direct method zinc oxide in Jan-Dec 2012(RMB/t)
Picture 21 Price trend of 325mesh first grade in 2012
Table 1 Global zinc ore output, reserves and distribution
Table 2 Chinese zinc ore production by region in 2012
Table 3 China refined zinc production by region in 2012
Table 4 New zinc smelting projects in 2012: (Unite: ton)
Table 5 Zinc smelting project under construction: (Unite: ton)
Table 6 Zinc smelting projects under construction by region
Table 7 Zinc oxide 99.7% capacity geographical distribution in Chinese Mainland in 2012
Table 8 Capacity of some main zinc oxide 85-99.5% enterprises
Table 9 Capacity of some main zinc oxide 99.7% enterprises
Table 10 Zinc oxide plants projects under construction by region
Table 11 Top ten Chinese refined zinc importers 2012
Table 12 The tariffs of zinc products will not change in 2013
Table 13 Import volume of zinc oxide of enterprises from Jan. to Dec. in 2012 (Unit: kg)
Table 14 Chinese top 10 enterprises to import zinc powder and flakiness powder
Table 15 Supply and demand for zinc in global market 2007-2012
Table 16 Average month price for zinc oxide 99.7% in 2012(RMB/t)
Table 17 Statistics of zinc powder metal of Jan-Dec in 2012: (RMB/t)
Table 18 Chinese motors production and sales in 2012